We continue in our vein of veteran mandate guides! Today we're going to tackle Panic in Space!
If you want to see in pictures what to expect, it's here:
This mandate will represent a slightly higher challenge than Invasion from elsewhere, in particular by its mode of operation in its first part. The map looks like this:
You'll start at the shuttle, bottom left, and end up at Engineering, bottom right.
Good ! You arrive on the ship and you are going to be welcomed with a member of the crew who advises you to back off if you value your life ... Do you care? That's what I thought, let's go!
You will go through the first door and trouble will start right away. At the top left of your screen is a sanity gauge. This bar starts at 100% and will gradually decrease. There is indeed a gas in the air that drives people crazy! Do not panic, there are tubes on the ground that will allow you to regenerate your mental health:
To get the gold medal, it's very simple for this mandate:
- Collect 6 infopads in the first part of the mandate (between the Shuttle and the Research Lab included). They are not hidden, you will only have to pick them up on your way.
- Avoid Explosive Tamarous in the second part.
- Complete the mandate in less than 35 minutes. You see it in my video, it only took me about 20 minutes, so I was well on schedule.
In this first part, you will have 2 objectives to achieve in order to move on:
- Save 8 panicked workers.
- Collect 3 experimental creatures on the run.
Think again, it is not necessarily very simple. First, the workers. This will not pose a problem for anyone, workers will be attacked by hostile creatures, you will only have to kill his attackers. For creatures, it won't be that simple ...
Remember the sanity bar? I suppose so. Well know that things are happening when it decreases. About every 20%, you will sink more and more into madness and you will have changes of scenery but also of creatures. You see what I mean ? Here is the evolution of the decorations:

If you haven't understood it, the 3 experimental creatures to recover are in different phases. The area is quite large, don't worry, there are several same creatures scattered all over each phase of madness.
There won't be any creatures to pick up when you're sane, so you'll have to go through the next 3 phases to pick up the new creature in each.

Once your objectives are accomplished, all you have to do is go to the console north of the Research Lab. You will like get knocked out and then wake up in the same room in maximum madness mode and you will have to survive multiple waves of enemies. Watch out for flower pots, they are dangerous!
You will have a boss for the last wave, also very impressive:
Once this is over, you will be able to breathe, literally, since you will finally have access to the safety suits. You will see, the class is there:

The rest will be more linear. On the way to Engineering, you will have to put on masks for crew members under the influence of Madness, a total of 6. Their fate is in your hands, but the result of the laying of the mask n is not always the one hoped for:

No matter how they end up, it will count towards your goal. Another objective, to kill the cattle in full hallucination. In short, in the second part, you put on masks on the friendly NPCs and you kill the aggressive NPCs. I remind you that for the gold medal, you must avoid being hit by a Tamarou, they have a telegram around them which will explode if you enter it.
Once you have completed these objectives, you will find yourself in the last room: Engineering. You will have to go to the bottom where you will have to activate the air purification console. Once this is activated, you will as by chance suffer a problem of combination and will be under the influence of madness which will increase until the end of the purification process. Here you will have to wipe out several waves of enemies with once again a boss, a final this time, which also varies from one instance to another.

And There you go ! The mandate is over! You just have to activate the console which is completely at the back of the room, a priori behind you, and you are back on Nexus for new adventures.
Will you survive the madness?