A new official article has just been published on the official website. This one focuses on the Bay of Betrayal, a new adventure that will be available with the release of the next major update: Nexus Deployment! The adventure is presented by Matt Tobiason, the team leader in charge of Adventures at Carbine.
First novelty of this adventure: a new concept of evolutionary difficulty. What does this consist of ? The degree of difficulty of the enemies you encounter will vary depending on the medals that party members have obtained previously. They can then become faster and more powerful.
This will allow you to gradually move from a standard adventure difficulty to a more intermediate difficulty to make a smoother transition with that of the dungeons.
This new adventure promises to put you to the test more than ever by being "the most intense and the most frantic to date", the group having to arm themselves with speed and reactivity to carry it out, with also puzzles to solve.
During this adventure, you will become technopaths : you will be able to control Eldan technology with your mind. Thus, you will be able to drain energy sources to be able to control different Eldan machines, even augmented creatures, to overcome certain challenges.
You will be sent to Levian Bay, the new fortress of Ascension, to finish off Calidor Antévian, the leader. Your mission will be to infiltrate the ranks of Ascension and overcome a series of challenges to ultimately become the right hand of Antevian.
Regarding the loot, as this adventure is more difficult than the others, the rewards will follow with it! You will be able to receive loot that can be equivalent to what you can collect in Easy Veteran Dungeons. By obtaining a gold medal, you will also be able to receive "ultra advanced gadgets" (maybe toys?).
To conclude, Matt informs that the adventure will not be particularly long but that the evolutionary difficulty and the original gameplay (realized based on the comments of the players) should make the players want to replay it a good number of times!
This makes you want to face a new series of Guardian trials! And don't hesitate to take a look at the other important new features of DEPLOYMENT: Nexus:
- Raid : Y-83 initialization cell
- New PvE system : Contracts
- Customization : Familiars
- Customization : Holo-closet (costumes)
What do you think ?