Thanks to the Carbine studios and Atreid (Our spanish Community Manager), the Christmas gifts distribution continue ! Do you want to win a T-shirt and a dedicated posters from the Wildstar team ?
We offer two packs of 1 T-shirt + 1 dedicated poster ! Is this wonderfull ?! ?

WildStar is an unique game with an innovant gameplay on a fun & colored universe and this Hover-Bike wakes our children's souls, Vraoummm ! ?
Then we thought : can we race with our Hover-Bikes ? Besides, will the game contains mini-games ? We have some huge hopes but nothing has been said about it for the moment.
► This is our theme, if you could create an mini-game in the Wildstar universe, which thing could you imagine ?
rjprojectsonline (à l'adresse) Gmail (point)com ! We will look forward your creations and select the two best propositions. All your proposals will be published right here and maybe Carbine will appreciate a creatin from you ! We haven't any warranty about it, of course.
Terms of the Participation : There will be no draw, the jury is composed of Games Managers's team (Nicou, Falhstaff and Onidra). Proposals should be sent by email before December, the 17 at 8PM, in a basic document format (preferably jpg, gif, pdf). Winners will be announced as soon as we agreed. Winners must provide their mailing address, which will be forwarded to Carbine for sending lots.
Good luck!
spanish players, click here!