It's been over a week since the Taint update rolled out, but not being level 50 yet, it was complicated to give a guide on what the update offered, but here we are, the level 50 is here, and I really wanted to celebrate it with you:
Alright, blah blah, here it is, the first guide to Filth, focused on the Septentrion Morne area !
No more explanations concerning my operation, here is my video guide on this area:
How to get there?
So the prerequisite that you must have beforehand is already tobe level 50. Once this step has been cleared, you will have to go to quest panel of your capital, each at the spaceport of the capital (where my cursor is in the screenshots below, respectively Thayd and Illium)
This panel will give you several quests including those for areas of Filth, therefore the Septentrion Morne and the Impure Refuge. We will be interested in the one for this first area which will simply consist of talking to an NPC right next to the panel that will teleport you to said area!
What can we do about it?
The area is not very large, since it is simply a daily quest area. To recall what a daily quest is, it is quests you can do every day.
Map of Septentrion Morne
The daily quests offered will be alternated every day in order to avoid too much repetition. In the end you will know them all, but this at least allows you to change and avoid getting bored too quickly.
Des challenges are also to be done, for example to kill as quickly as possible a certain number of monsters (nothing original), the final rewards proposed were, in that order, the basics with the 2 green bags that we still have (materials and consumables), a bag of dyes, a bag of decoration items, and another with equipment, which I had and where I only received a poor green sword, but it could not have been -be that bad luck!
What do we gain?
It's all well and good to do daily quests, but what else can they be good for other than getting some experience and gold? Well we also receive reputation points for Le Septentrion Morne !
These reputation points are necessary to be able to buy different items, in particular and mainly pieces of armor of significant characteristics, especially for those who would come like me only to pass level 50.
As a reminder, a reputation has different ranks which are, in ascending order: Appreciated, Accepted, Reputed, Esteemed and Popular! The seller therefore sells items contained in different tabs, depending on the reputation level, so here are the items offered:
Septentrion Morne - (Appreciated)
Food : Saber meal (Brutality buff (damage) and Healer's meal (Acuity buff (healing)
Septentrion Morne - (Accepted)
Light Armor :
Medium weave:
Heavy armor :
Weapon accessory + Implant:
Septentrion Morne - (Renowned)
Cooking diagrams: Swordsman Recipe et Recipe of Healing ?
Septentrion Morne - (Estimated)
Light Armor :
Medium weave:
Heavy armor :
Weapon accessory + Implant:
Septentrion Morne - (Popular)
Light Armor :
Medium weave:
Heavy armor :
Assistance system:
So as I said, significant equipment if you do not yet have high level equipment, which you can recover thanks to the reputation that you will improve by completing the daily quests (which can be restarted each day) in the Septentrion Morne area!
Small clarification on the equipment, it is not that of the costume of the Filth, it will be recovered at the Impure Refuge which will be the subject of a future guide!
Hope this guide has been helpful to you! Have a good newspaper farming! ?