Several changes are expected for Esper's class. On the forum it is indicated rather vaguely when these improvements will be applied, so I will translate them literally.
In the near future :
- appeasement : Carbine is working on fixing the crashing telegram bug.
- Crushing : the resolution of the bug which prevented the animation of the spell from being cast is in progress.
In a future "not so far away":
- Spectral shape : this spell will become usable on the move.
- Telekinetic Strike : this spell will be usable on the move, the T8 will only cost 3 psi charges instead of 6.
- Concentrated blade : Hit delay will be reduced to 3 seconds and T4 will be changed to recover 2 charges every 10 seconds.
- Dance of the blades : Channeling time will be reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
- Psychic frenzy : Channeling time will be reduced from 1.25 seconds to 0.75 and the T8 will only need 3 psi charges instead of 6.
What to expect after the above changes:
- Additional information regarding the progress of their planned changes to unused MPAs and skill upgrades will be given as soon as possible.
- We can see that the mobility of the Espers is questioned, but Carbine does not want to destroy the style of play of the players who like this way of playing. We can therefore expect that there will be AMP and aptitude thirds who will reward players for their stationarity
Very, very big changes concerning all the gameplay of the Esper are to be expected, in order to adapt to 2 types of players: those who like the Esper as it is, stationary, and those who are frustrated at not not be able to run everywhere in combat!