The Drop 4 has been launched for almost a week, here is our first guide dedicated to it which will focus on currencies: Fame and Glory! I want to clarify that the screenshots of the pieces of equipment do not necessarily represent what you will be able to see to the seller, they adapt their merchandise for each class.
Fame has been around since the launch of WildStar, but it has undergone a few changes for this update.
To get fame, the traditional system does not change, you will always earn it by completing actions while being in a group. A new way to get fame has been released: mandates ! Indeed, these will grant you fame both solo and in groups ! The adventures also offer more fame.
De new objects are available for purchase from reputable vendors, including quality impregnation gear, costumes or mounts.
Veteran Mandate Vendor:


Veteran Adventure Vendor (same look as warrants):


Glory is a new currency available since the release of Drop 4. This one can be collected in dungeon and raid, so it is the currency of higher rank than fame which is therefore more on mandates and adventures.
Who says new currency says new sellers! Now, in the capital, all PvP vendors are concentrated in one area, there is a vendor for warrants (fame), adventures (fame), dungeons (glory) and raids (glory + token):

I suggest you see in more detail what they offer:
Dungeon Vendor:


Advanced assault

Advanced support


Raid Vendors:
Genetic Archives - Assault

Genetic Archives - Support

Infosphere - Assault

Infosphere - Support

We can also note the presence of a raid seller who asks for tokens:

We can finally see the presence of armor exchange tabs. If you have already collected pieces of equipment in raid, you can collect the new pieces with just a certain amount of glory on top.
So much for this new guide on Drop 4! New ones will be coming out soon, stay tuned on our Facebook and Twitter!