In a new official article, Chad Moore, no more to present, tells us about Carbine and WildStar.
It starts with a recap of this last year, relatively rich with 3 big updates (The Mystery of Primo Genesis, The Protojeux Project, and DEPLOYMENT: Nexus) then the transition to free-to-play with the various in-game events.
We quickly come to this new year which “promises to be even better! ". First, Chad tells us thathe officially became a director of WildStar, so he is one of the main people in charge of making sure the game evolves in the best possible way (I have to personally admit that this is good news, he has been there from the start and there is a huge contributed).

Then he mentioned Destination Arcterra with in particular this new zone which he announces the most successful to date with unique mechanisms, superb rewards, a breathtaking visual and a captivating scenario. He also talks about the Archon's Chamber and its different features that we have already talked about in the announcement article.
We are also entitled to information about content to come later in the year ! Thus, we learn that we can set foot on theHalon ring, an asteroid belt encircling Nexus and which would shelter Marauders, we will at the same time be entitled to the next new raid: Terror of Redmoon! Speaking of the latter, it should be available on the test server at the same time as Arcterra will be, so very soon!

Caring for new expedition is also planned and should be creepy! The PvP Will also undergo many changes with an improvement of the overall experience and an encouragement of participation, whether in open world or in proceedings. So much for what is to be revealed for the moment, this will obviously not be all.
Otherwise, in partnership with Giant Interactive, WildStar has just gone in beta phase in China and will be released later this year. The players seem to be giving very encouraging feedback.
To conclude, Chad tells us that as a director he will do his best to improve communication with the players which is very important to him.
So much for his message, which is intended to be encouraging and optimistic. Hopefully Chad Moore will be able to ensure that the game, its updates and its communication this year are sufficient to allow the game, which still has enormous potential, to recover properly!