On the closed beta of WildStar free-to-play, the Cosmic Program is very present and we can see the rewards of the different levels there. We were able to see the first 3 stages in a recent article, so here is the full list up to the 6th.
To know the different ways to get cosmic points, the list of the different actions and what they offer is available on this page. It should be noted that at each level crossed, we will return to 0 cosmic point, it will take a total of 350 to complete the current possible progression to 000% but the points will continue to accumulate even this milestone crossed and will be applied to the next stages which will be unlocked. Players who have already performed paid actions on WildStar will get their points.
- 1 level
- 2 level
- 3 level
- 4 level
- 5 level
- 6 level
- 800 : immortal miner's helmet (head costume)
- 1600 : access to social functions (guilds, communities, circles, war grounds)
- 2400 : time to respawn at death location reduced by 50%
- 3200 : 10% greater crafting target radius + 10% reduced crafting overload failure chance
- 4000 : familiar Friendly clown
- 1000 : 10 additional auctions and higher bids on the HV + 10 buy orders and 10 additional sell orders on the stock exchange
- 2000 : Extractor frame decoration
- 3000 : the rest experience recharges 50% faster and its maximum reserve is increased by 50%
- 4000 : Marauder Red dye
- 5000 : Velocirex mount (Cursed lands)
- 3000 : harvesting has a 10% chance of having an additional bonus
- 6000 : Reputation gains increased by 50% + Sumptuous Poobah (head costume)
- 9000 : Northern Lights dye
- 12000 : pet P'tite bête
- 15000 : Devout War Pig mount
- 11200 : points earned in challenges increased by 25%
- 22400 : Familiar War Piglet
- 33600 : White dreg dye
- 44800 : full Cannibal costume
- 56000 : Bandit Slicer mount
- 14000 : full formal costume
- 28000 : Technophagus weapon skin for your class
- 42000 : Hosting sky Fright
- 56000 : OmniBits Received Increased by 100%
- 70000 : Technophage hoverboard with all its decorations
- 30000 : Hosting heaven Wonder
- 60000 : Gnawing Green dye + Osun Warhound pet
- 90000 : osuns decorations pack
- 120000 : Osun Cruiser mount
- 150000 : house osun
By the way, the Osun Cruiser looks like this:
View post on imgur.com
These data are from beta, it is always possible that there are changes made before the transition to free-to-play scheduled for September 29.