Au 6 level, we unlock access to the AMP which allows to obtain a reduction in cooldowns, additional effects to attacks, points of secondary characteristics, new spells ... By increasing levels, we obtain points, for a total of 45 points. In addition, at level 50, you can obtain 10 additional points thanks to ancestral gems for a total of 55 points d'AMP au maximum.
The AMP interface is accessible via the menu of theArchetype Assembler (B key by default), under the AMP tab. The 6 sides of the hexagon represent roles: Support, Hybrid S / U, Utility, Hybrid A / U, Assault, Hybrid A / S. The Assault branch is for players who deal damage while the Support branch is more for healers and tanks. Utility has a PvP orientation. The others are intermediaries.
3 concentric lines define the third. Tier 2 becomes available after spending 3 points in tier 1. Then tier 3 becomes available after spending 11 points in tier 2 section. It takes between 2 and 6 AMP points for tiers 2 and 3. After spending points, save the changes by clicking on the green button: Use archetype.
By default, some AMPs are unlocked and can be activated directly by spending points. But many AMP are blocked, all those of thirds 2 as well as the majority of thirds. To unblock them, then to be able to use points AMP to benefit from them, it is necessary the purchase then use a specific object. It can be obtained as loot, as a reward for challenges or quests as well as from vendors, most of the time related to factions. At these sellers, the price varies from 50 silver to 2 gold. All areas (except the tutorial) have a reputation seller and most offer 2 AMP for each class at the Popular level. MPAs are also available from PvP vendors in the capitals for 50 to 175 prestige.
Since these items are unrelated, it is possible to purchase them from the Commodity Exchange.
You can reset your AMP points by clicking on the button at the bottom left of the window: Full AMP reset. The more points you spend, the more it costs. At level 15, you get a double specialty allowing you to create and save a second archetype.
Do you dream of finding all your MPAs? Here is the list of sellers thanks to MMORPG-Life. All you have to do is grab your favorite mount and take a little tour of Nexus:
- Engineer
- Esper
- Doctor
- Arcanero
- Prowler
- Guerrier
Good shopping !