Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra, Valuing… Riot Games is in the midst of an expansion phase, and that only seems like the beginning, if we refer to the studio's home page, which has yet to Wild rift in the pipeline, some internal projects, and which launched some time ago the Riot Forge initiative, calling on external studios to work on games related to the extended universe of league of legends.
Valuing therefore appears a bit like a truly separate project, since it is outside the universe of LoL. First perceived as a hero-shooter, Riot's FPS seems to draw more of its influences from the legendary Counter-Strike. For the best or for the worst ? This is what we will see in the following lines.
First of all, let's quickly tackle the "hero-shooter" side of the title, because Valuing, unlike CS, proposes to choose a hero, or rather, an agent. Currently 9 in number (Riot is targeting 12 agents by the release of the title in 1.0), each agent has 4 abilities, 3 "standards", a unique skill available in each round, two skills to unlock in the store, and one. ultimate, which will charge more or less quickly depending on our prowess in the field (which is to say that I did not have it very often).
We thus find some archetypes such as "tanks", "supports" and agents specializing in damage. On the other hand, do not expect to end up with characters as "unique" as in Overwatch. Do not expect to opt for a 600HP tank either, it does not exist here. All agents of Valorant have 100 points of life, to which you can add a shield to resist a bit more damage suffered.
The same goes for the use of skills, where Overwatch play the cooldown card for most skills, Valuing adds a real tactical aspect to the latter, by limiting their use to the strict minimum: the use must be thought of at the start of the round, since it will be necessary to pay a small sum to unlock a use of skills. This is surprising at first glance, but since the game is essentially inspired by Valve's FPS, we understand this desire to limit skills, a bit like buying grenades on Counter-Strike in a way, but much more varied…. It must be said that between throwing walls of flames, being able to jump 2-3m in height, heal, resuscitate, spy via a control camera, the game multiplies the possibilities and offers a fairly thorough tactical approach.

A screen that I did not see as much as I wanted!
For the rest, it's CS. I am summarizing roughly, but I do not think I am overstating it too much. At the moment, only one game mode is available. The attacking team will be responsible for planting a Spike (this is what the bomb is called in Valorant) while the defending team will have to eliminate the attackers, and, if necessary, defuse the Spike. Nothing new then, Riot content to take what works elsewhere to apply it to his formula. From the start of the round, which goes through the phase of purchasing weapons (no AK-47 here, however, the game uses fictitious weapons linked to its universe) that I find a bit long now (but often precious for coordinate with his team on the strategy to follow) in the course of the game, the title takes the best of CS and applies it perfectly to its formula.
The cards, currently 2 in number (and 2 more at the beta release of the title it seems) are also formidable in efficiency. What is more, they bring a touch of freshness and originality, thanks to some interesting additions to exploit. On the Haven map, Riot added a 3rd Spike drop point, which will change the way defense looks a lot, as 3 points are to be watched now. On Bind, teleporters have been added. They allow you to get to strategic points on the map in a snap. Practice, of course, but you will have to prepare to be attacked by your opponents, the teleporters being very noisy.

On the technical side, not much to report. The bet seems to be successful for the moment: to offer a convincing gaming experience on fairly old machines. Far from being technically transcendent, the game still manages to stand out through an interesting artistic direction and cards and small details that make you want to learn more about the universe of the title. The sound part is not left out. I am far from being an expert, but I found the spatialization of the sound to be very correct and I knew how to get rid of certain badly engaged situations by spotting certain noises here and there.

A shop already exists in the game, and displays nice objects, but at a rather prohibitive price ... (for the prism collection, count more than 60 € for 6 weapons)
Simple phenomenon or real title ready to take over from Counter-Strike? It is too early to tell. My experience with Valorant is currently very close to what I can have with CS in any case. I am a quiche on both games. And even taking beating after beating, I want more. I like what the game offers me right now. A title where you have to surpass yourself, progress, learn from your mistakes, where it is necessary to be precise to the pixel to make your opponents pass from life to death. I also like, for the moment, the community of the title, which does not yet judge players too quickly, gives the benefit of the doubt and provides some sometimes useful advice on how to improve. Will it last? I really hope so, although I have doubts, given the popularity of the title. On paper, Riot's FPS has it all, all he has to do is transform the essay, and watch his community, and hope that it can be contained so as not to become like League of Legends' ( at the time of this writing, the publisher has also planned a whole action plan to change that ... to be continued!).
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