And we meet again for this new section: "Voyages, Voyages."
The principle is simple: to introduce a game through landscapes, places that you have traveled and visited. If you feel like it, you can also accompany your images with a little explanatory text: why this place, its history, what you like about it.
For this second issue, we welcome again fallenRaziel, who will introduce us to new places and landscapes of Blade & Soul.
Radiant pond
Have you ever dreamed of walking in the clouds?
Along the path leading down to the lagoon, you can meet wild animals in the middle of an almost untouched nature. Only a few votive statues here and there promise a bit of civilization. I try to make myself very small so as not to disturb or attract attention.
Distant pagodas draw their graceful silhouettes in the distance against the clouds. It feels like the sky. The lagoon is the domain of the formidable Lord Giganura, a giant batrachian, whose diet is not limited to a few flies. You have been warned ...

Pine Island
The Isle of Pines is covered with these conifers. The green of the trees mingles with the blue of the sky, and we hear the cries of the seagulls because the sea is close. The main curiosity of this island are the totems planted at regular intervals, whose function must be to repel evil spirits ... I don't really know, I have never been very religious. At the Pavillon de la Pinède, an altar allows any traveler to rest and pray for a little help from the spirits or the gods. Because every trip is a pilgrimage ...

Temple of Still Waters
Solemn statues greet me at the bottom of the flight of steps leading to the Temple of Calm Waters. The carved porticoes adorned with lanterns are linked and I finally come out on a small square planted with pines.
The main building, a high place of contemplation, shines with the glowing glow of sacred candles. The prayers resound, the faithful prostrate themselves ... I sit in a corner and observe them in silence ...
Filled with this atmosphere of veneration, I go out again into the open air and the scent of incense replaces that of trees and flowers. The frogs jump in the streams covered with water lilies. The landscape is grandiose, seen from this height, and, in place of the spirits and the gods, I bow down to the beauty of this nature.

Sentinel Outpost
Imagine my surprise when I saw these gigantic stone faces appear in front of me! Both threatening and solemn, they challenged time and men. What a pity that this grandiose place has become the haunt of this band of bandits!
In this outpost, you think you're at the end of the world, and the vast ocean seems endless. The vegetation has gradually regained its rights over civilization: long lianas hang limply and the moss colonizes the stones. It is hot and the sea air laden with spray refreshes the atmosphere a little.
It's time to teach these pirates a lesson ...

Another great visit in the company of fallenRaziel, the landscapes of Blade & Soul are truly magnificent.
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