I was recently contacted by Pascaline Lorentz who presented me with her book, adapted from her doctorate in sociology. Entitled Un Voyage au coeur de Soi, and subtitled Growing up having fun with The Sims® video game, the e-book is presented in video:
In an accessible language, this book presents the qualities of this video-fun experience of self-exploration while situating the practice within current society. Posted on Amazon KDP, Voyage au coeur de Soi is available for under $ 9.
I had the opportunity to read this 320-page book presented in two parts: the position of the player in the game and the player and his video-fun socialization. It all starts with a few lines of reading, for those in a hurry, to allow them to know what to read, then it moves on to a fictionalized introduction. In addition, after the conclusion is added a big summary entitled In a wink of eye, which allows those in a hurry to have the essence of the study.
Extremely well presented and documented, this book is a "must-have" for any player who has ever asked the question: why am I playing? And you will have many more answers to questions you never even imagined asking yourself until now. Far from being a gibberish of technical terms for specialists in sociology, the whole is understandable by the neophyte. Those who are most interested will also be able to continue reading thanks to the various references.
If you are wondering if you are going to like, or find this interesting book, I could quote you large passages. Or summarize others for you. It would be a disservice to the work of its author. So I invite you instead to go to Amazon where you can read the beginning for free. You are free to choose to continue reading for € 8,99.
Journey to the Heart of Self
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