We have the possibility, in The Sims 4, to make collections. Here we will focus on the one of postcards, see how to get them and the rewards received. Did you know that you can display your postcards in your house? It's a pretty decoration!
Activate your board aura to receive an Inspiring +3 emotional state for your Sim.
To receive postcards, your Sim must have a computer in their possession and a corkboard to display them.
Go to your Sim's computer and search for the interaction Chat / Find a correspondent.
After posting a message, all you need to do is wait for a response.
After a certain time, a correspondent will answer your request. To find out if you have received the long-awaited response, return to the computer and choose Consult the responses to the correspondent's request.
Then a notification from the game will inform you of the origin of this correspondent.
Then you can write a letter to him. For the answer, we will have to wait a little longer.
Following this letter, again a little patience then a new line of interaction will appear Request a postcard from ...
You are now ready to receive your postcards! They will be distributed by the postman. You just have to look at your mailbox. To obtain certain cards, several requests will be necessary.
It will be necessary to find 14 correspondents to collect their postcards!
Here is the complete collection of postcards with their origins, information and rarities.
Collection of postcards
Finally, you will be entitled to a gift if you complete the entire collection: the Correspondents and friends plaque. You will receive this gift via the mailbox.