We have already given cheat codes when the game was released. SimGuru Grant wanted the gaming community to be able to use these codes more easily by providing us with a new list. However, he also tells us that the misuse of these codes can lead to malfunctions in the game.
I remind you, to use these codes, open the command console (Ctrl + Shift + C), activate cheat mode (testingcheats true/false) then type the command of your choice from the list below.
- Careers
- skills
- Sims Life
- Sterling silver
- careers.add_career -> add a career
- careers.demote -> retrograde
- careers.promote -> give a promotion
- careers.remove_career -> delete a career
The name of the career is in English:
- Criminal -> Criminal
- Culinary -> Culinary
- entertainer -> Comedy
- Painter -> Painter
- Astronaut -> Astronaut
- Techguru -> Technology Guru
- Writter -> Writing
- SecretAgent –> Agent secret
Adult Skills:
- Malice : stats.set_skill_level Major_Mischief 10
- Peach : stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10
- Guitar: stats.set_skill_level Major_Guitar 10
- Harvest: stats.set_skill_level Major_Reaping 10
- Programming: stats.set_skill_level Major_Programming 10
- Gardening: stats.set_skill_level Major_Gardening 10
- Gastronomic cooking : stats.set_skill_level Major_GourmetCooking 10
- Comedy: stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10
- Charisma: stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10
- Writing: stats.set_skill_level Major_Writing 10
- Video games : stats.set_skill_level Major_VideoGaming 10
- Violin: stats.set_skill_level Major_Violin 10
- Rockeology: stats.set_skill_level Major_RocketScience 10
- Painting : stats.set_skill_level Major_Painting 10
- Plan : stats.set_skill_level Major_Piano 10
- Logic: stats.set_skill_level Major_Logic 10
- DIY: stats.set_skill_level Major_Handiness 10
- Kitchen: stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10
- Mixologie : stats.set_skill_level Major_Bartending 10
- Athletics : stats.set_skill_level skill_Fitness 10
- Well-being : stats.set_skill_level Major_Wellness 10
- DJ : stats.set_skill_level Major_DJ 10
- Dance : stats.set_skill_level Minor_Dancing 10
- singing : stats.set_skill_level Major_Singing 10
Children skills:
- Social faculties: stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Social xx
- Motor faculties: stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Motor xx
- Creativity : stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Creativity xx
- Mental faculties: stats.set_skill_level Skill_Child_Mental xx
- crafting.shorten_phases -> speeds up painting or woodworking
- sims.fill_all_commodities -> fulfills the Sim's needs levels
- stats.fill_commodities_household -> meets the needs of the Sims in the household
- sims.remove_all_buffs -> removes states of mind
- sims.spawnsimple {name} -> add a number of people (visiting) in the field. Be careful, setting a number that is too large can crash the game.
- ui.dialog.auto_respond -> automatically responds to dialog windows either by canceling or by making a proposed choice
- FreeRealEstate {on / off} -> deactivate the price of land, they are all free.
- Motherlode -> add 50 simoleons to the fireplace (this one, I love it)
- Kaching ou Rosebud -> add 1000 simoleons
- money {value} -> puts the household count at the desired level (replace {value} by the desired value)
- sims.modify_funds {value} -> adds a certain amount to the bottom of the household, amount = 10000 for example.
- households.autopay_bills -> automatically pay bills
- Aspirations.complete_current_milestone -> ends your aspiration step
If you find other codes, feel free to share!