With the release of the new TERA expansion Fate of Arun, a lot of improvements and new features have been added to the game.
Vanguard Initiative
One of the coolest innovations in this update is the arrival of the Vanguard Initiative faction reputation. This new feature allows you to earn reputation points by completing daily missions and unlock bonuses and special rewards by completing quests.
Daily quests
Pressing the H key (default key) or the new icon below the radar takes you to the Vanguard Initiative Summary. This tab shows you which quests you have left to complete and displays the current progress of other bonuses.
The quests are divided into four colors:
- Red: Fate of Arun main quests
- Blue: group / instance quests
- Green: daily quests
- Yellow: PvP quests
Carrying out red, blue, green or yellow quests will allow you to obtain experience points, gold and reputation points, but also vanguard badges. Each week you will receive a bonus for collecting 20 Vanguard Insignia. This will therefore be a new opportunity to earn gold, raw materials, but also crystal boxes containing the precious level 65 crystals.
You can also exchange your reputation credits with a reputation merchant located in Hautegarde, for various chests and crystals.
You will now receive bonuses for daily login, which benefits all the characters in your account:
- Log in three times in a week and you receive a bonus that increases your movement speed out of combat by 20.
- Log in five times in the same week and you receive a bonus that increases your health points by 5%.
- Log in seven times in a single week and you receive a bonus that increases your potency by 6%.
Simplified enchantment system
This update introduces a simplified enchantment system. Equipment materials used for enchantment can now be dismantled. You can access this by clicking on the new button at the bottom:
For example: this allows you to dismantle Tier 5 gear into Tier 5 raw materials, which you can then use to enchant a Tier 5 item.
Please note that:
- Bladed weapons give 4 raw materials, white armor 3, and shoes and gloves 2
- Green weapons give 8 raw materials, green armor 6, and shoes and gloves 4
- Blue weapons give 24 raw materials, blue armor 18, and shoes and gloves 12
- Golden Weapons give 48 Raw Materials, Golden Armor 36, and Shoes and Gloves 24
In addition, you can transform six commodities of a given rank (for example, rank 5) into a commodity of the higher rank (in this case, rank 6). This function allows you to transform lower-tier items into quality raw materials, which you may find more useful.
Until now, it is the degree of rarity of an item that gave the probability of success of an enchantment. Thus, white objects had the lowest probability of success and golden objects the highest probability. You can now choose how many raw materials you want to use for each enchantment. The higher this number, the better your chances of success will be.
Crystal fusion
Another new feature of this update is that it is now possible to merge beautiful crystals. This allows you to merge 3 superfluous crystals into another random crystal. This function is also accessible via a new button in the inventory:
You will need to use this system to transform beautiful Nivéots (crystals for level 65 equipment) into powerful, unbreakable and rare Nivéots! Rare Nivéots are not destroyed on death, but they do have two effects that influence your stats. Such a fusion requires a superb Niveot structure as well as three beautiful Niveots:
Please note: these crystals are linked to your equipment. Once used, they can no longer be used for other pieces of equipment.
Teleportation made easy
Finally, a new teleportation system has been implemented with this new patch, which now allows you to teleport from the entrance of an instance to the nearest village, and vice versa.
In the new zones, each camp allows you to teleport to another camp already discovered or directly to the entrance of an instance.