Warning: The content of this article may reveal elements of the story or spoiler-type content. If you would like to discover this content for yourself we advise you to come back later.
The new Ziost zone is finally available! You can explore this area and enjoy 5 new daily quests, a world boss and an instanced boss after completing your story quest on this planet. Namely, a big black spot in this area, once you set foot there, you cannot go to the starting area of Ziost.
Map of the new area
The following success could be revealed. To complete it, you will need to complete the quest "Looking for a sign until you find the following 4 droids"
In addition, each droid earns you an eponymous achievement, it could be that the droids each have a fixed spawn point but nothing is less certain.
Finally, monoliths with around 500 health points roam the map. Some are doable solo but others have higher damage and will require a small group of people.
Daily missions
Each daily earns 10 credits.
- Looking for a sign
- Reborn from the ashes
- The death of a world
- Doom impulse
- Eyes on the past
Goal : Recover 4 central memories of crushed reconnaissance probes.
Rewards: Basic Distinctions 4 + 1 Historical Holograph of Ziost
Location: Landing zone, upon arrival on the planet.
Goal : Scan the ash-covered bodies.
Rewards: Basic Distinctions 4 + 1 Historical Holograph of Ziost
Location: Landing zone, upon arrival on the planet.
Goal : Scan areas with the macroscope.
Rewards: Basic Distinctions 4 + 1 Historical Holograph of Ziost
Location: Landing zone, upon arrival on the planet.
Goal : Repair a speeder.
Rewards: Basic Distinctions 4 + 1 Historical Holograph of Ziost
Location: Landing zone, southwest of the map.
Goal : Repair a droid and explore the area to uncover items from the past.
Rewards: Basic Distinctions 4 + 1 Historical Holograph of Ziost
Location: Landing zone, in the center of the map.
Weekly Missions
Each weekly brings in 23 credits.
- Ruined heart
- Echoes of Ziost
Goal : Defeat the Colossal Monolith + Defeat the Worldbreaker Monolith
Rewards: 24 Elite Honors + 14 Ultimate Honors + 6 Ziost Historical Holographs
Goal : Complete the 5 daily missions mentioned above
Rewards: 15 Elite Honors + 4 Ultimate Honors + 4 Ziost Historical Holographs
World Boss
The world boss here is called Worldbreaker Monolith.
Features :
- 2 health points
- Immunity to interruption
- Only heroes can face it (forget your partners, operation group advised)
In addition, it seems that it acquires damage immunity under certain conditions, which I will not state here.
The second World Boss is instantiated but having not yet accessed the operation, we can only offer you the front door:
I now let you enjoy this new update, and see you soon for the strategies of the two bosses