A formidable war machine on the dark side, the Sith warrior has the daunting task of annihilating the enemies of the Empire and strengthening the presence of the Sith across the galaxy. The warrior channels the destructive emotions of fear, rage and hatred, in order to rid his being of all forms of weakness and to become a pure concentrate of brute force.
These cold-blooded conquerors waste no time in elaborate manipulations and tactics. The Sith warriors swoop in, crush their enemies with an iron will, and wreak havoc and desolation in their path. Inspiring terror and respect with every step they take, they demand absolute obedience from their followers. In return, the Sith warriors demonstrate exemplary loyalty to their masters, even surprising allies and enemies with their radical sense of discipline.
The Sith taking the path of the Ravager enjoys unparalleled stamina in combat. Through his focus and clarity of mind, the Ravager is able to shape the Force as he pleases, making him nearly invulnerable. He accepts without flinching attacks that would have destroyed others than himself, thus sowing doubt and despair in the hearts of his enemies. Protecting his allies and thundering down his opponents, the ravager does not retreat from any combat. His extraordinary resistance and his ability to drain the energy of others make him a formidable fighter.
Revenge Ravager
In PvE, the Ravager happens to be an excellent Tank, but if you don't like finesse you can orient yourself towards a DPS role through the Vengeance tree.
Despite the fact that this is not its primary function, the Ravager happens to be an excellent single-target DPS, but weaker in multi-target. His defensive CDs allow him to take big hits (AoE from bosses or unfortunate aggro recovery) which reduces the amount of heal to be provided on him.
The Ravager is also an interesting class to have in his group because his armor debuff allows to increase the DPS of all of his partners.
The Vengeance Ravager is a versatile class. Able to take big damage and deal big damage. What more ?
Important features
The important characteristics to mount for a Dps Ravager are as follows:
- Stamina: Increases the damage done by your melee and force attacks, the critical strike chance with melee weapons. This is the primary stat of the Sith Warrior, you have to try to get as many as possible.
- Endurance: increases your amount of health and regeneration out of combat. This stat goes up on its own with your gear, the more the better, but it's not a priority.
- Accuracy: Increases your chance to hit with your attacks. Once the 100% accuracy cap is reached, the additional points will reduce the chances of defense (parry dodging, etc.) from melee attacks and the chances of resistance from Force attacks. It is therefore necessary to equip it as a priority up to the 100% cap, but it becomes secondary once this cap is reached.
- Potency: Increases the damage and healing of your abilities. The more we have the better, like vigor.
- Critical Rating: Increases your chance to critically hit with damage and healing abilities. The objective to aim for is to flower with the 50% chance of critical hits.
- Surge Index: Increases critical damage from attacks and healing when you land a critical hit. Here you have to aim for the 80% increase in critical damage.
Stamina> = Potency> Accuracy (100%)> Critical> Surge> Accuracy
Talent Tree
This talent tree is the most optimized for operations: 2/32/7.
There are variants that are completely viable in PvE and are more versatile (PvE / PvP) by improving Force Charge. However, this tree takes into consideration that you will hardly need to carry out Force Charges against bosses and therefore that these talents have their limits for PvE HL.
Talent Analysis
Immortality: 2 points
Rage fatale (Passive) - Rang 2/2
This talent grants us additional rage each time we use Fatal Assault, increasing our ability to land large rage-consuming hits.
Vengeance : 32 points
Improved Fatal Assault (Passive) - Rank 2/2
Armor destruction stacks build faster, so more damage is done faster.
Unique Saber Mastery (Passive) - Rank 3/3
We increase all our damage by 6%
Inflexibility (Passive) - Rank 1/2
A liability that can find its interest in some bosses, but not all. This talent grants us additional rage, which increases our ability to land large rage-consuming hits.
Battleship (Passive) - Rank 2/2
An inevitable spell in my opinion, 6% on our main characteristic which will have the effect of increasing our damage and our chance of critical hits.
Accuracy (Passive) - Rank 3/3
Precision is an important characteristic, to be taken to reach the next level.
Hate Buildup (Passive) - Rank 2/2
A liability that can find its interest in some bosses, but not all. The latter increases our damage punctually.
Shien Form (Instant - Cooldown: 1.5s) - Rank 1/1
6% more damage and restitution of rage on attacks. This will have the effect of allowing us more regularly big hits, but be careful this talent does not reduce the use of spells. So you need to have the right amount of rage to cast them.
Draining Scream (Passive) - Rank 2/2
A little DoT on a spell that we use regularly, I think it's a good addition.
Ruin (Passive) - Rank 1/1
A free shock. What else?
Vengeance (Passive) - Rang 3/3
2 of our damage spells to re-roll more often, to take.
Deadly Retaliation (Passive) - Rank 1/1
Another contribution of rage, on a possible AoE boss. More rage = more damage spells to cast.
Eviscération (Passive) - Rang 2/2
Another DoT on one of the most used spells in our cycle.
Impale (Rage: 4 - Instant - Cooldown: 15s - Range: 4m) - Rank 1/1
A new damage spell, inevitable.
Savagery (Passive) - Rank 2/2
Gives us a devastating Impale-Shatter / Force Cry combo.
Fatal Throw (Passive) - Rank 2/2
An interesting increase in saber throwing.
Vandalism (Passive) - Rank 3/3
An increase in Rampage which I deem to be our best Dps spell, to take.
Shatter (Rage: 5 - Instant - Cooldown: 9s - Range: 4m) - Rank 1/1
Another new damage spell with a built-in DoT, to take.
Rage : 7 points
Decimation (Passive) - Rank 2/2
Increases the damage of a free spell and decreases its cooldown. What more ?
Malice (Passive) - Rang 3/3
Increased critical hits from our force spells. A good contribution for our Dps, but it does not concern all our fate.
Ravager (Passive) - Rank 2/2
As I said above, I find Rampage to be our best dps spell, increasing it again can only be positive.
Useful skills
- Generating rabies
- Offfensives
- areas
- Defensive
- Mobility
Force charge.
Generates 3 rage points, but cannot be used in melee. This will be our so-called "engage" spell because it is this spell that will allow us to get near the boss / mob quickly.
Generates 2 points of rage and low damage. Use only if we can only cast this spell.
Fatal assault
Generates 3 rage points, with the talent that is going well. He will happen to be our main source of rage, but will all of this be explained to you a little further down?
Saber throwing
Generates 3 rage points. It's a good addition when you're a little too low in rage. Also with the PvE set bonus, he can be cast in melee which will make him a very interesting spell.
And yes ! Don't be surprised to see it appear here, as our talents, coupled with the Shien Form, make it no longer cost Rage to launch and drop one back to you at the same time. You can launch it instead of an assault for example, you will gain damage even if you generate one less rage point.
More or less your only burst spell, even if the ravager isn't really made for it. It is true that to use it to its full potential this skill must be used to the maximum and therefore be permanently on CD.
Medium damage and a high DoT. It also triggers your Vandalism talent.
High damage and medium / low DoT. It also triggers your Vandalism talent.
Free, big damage ... that's your best bet by far.
Force cry
High damage and medium / low DoT.
Vicious throw
Your is running! To be cast as a priority and as soon as up once your target is below 30% health points. Heavy damage, especially if cast after a Smash or Impale as it will benefit from a 60% critical chance up.
A good area spell, but the cooldown is still quite long even with the talent points going well. We will therefore not be able to spam this key in the middle of a pack of mobs, but to launch as soon as Up.
A nice return kick that will allow you to attack all targets in front of you, I said right in front of you. It is not a circular attack. It is interesting to use for packs above 3 mobs. Below, prefer unit targeting, you will do more damage.
Saber return
Excellent defensive skill. If you feel like a boss is starting to get angry and tossing AoEs all over the place, now is the time to activate it. I would take as an example the missile phase of the 1st boss of the Chamber of Eternity: activating it during this phase will greatly relieve your healers.
Pain resistance
I consider this spell as a second medipack. Are you halfway through your life and can't see the care coming? Using it will once again relieve your healers and / or keep you from biting the dust.
Enrage Defense
At the moment I find it less useful than the 2 previous ones. Maybe to counter a low damage boss DoT or AoE, but I use it very little.
Force charge
The most useful spell to move from one target to another during a fight, thus avoiding losses of Dps when moving.
In the event that your Force Charge isn't available, you can always use your Intercept on the tank or a nearby Dps. You will not generate rage, but will give the tank or Dps a temporary damage reduction. Be careful of aggro losses, especially if you throw it on the tank.
Single target Dps cycle
Many of the Ravager guides and other classes in Swtor talk about priority. I prefer, especially for novices wishing to refine their mastery of the Ravager, to talk about the cycle because I think that this allows you to better understand the sequence of skills to better manage your rage and your damage, so as not to end up to spam Assault (which brings little damage and little rage) because you would have mismanaged your rage or your chains.
These cycles are a transcription based on Tgunzy's Tuto-video, whom I thank for opening my eyes to this class?
The first thing to know is that the full cycle of the Vengeance Ravager can be broken down into 4 sub-cycles, all based on the Cooldown of Fatal Onslaught (4s ~ 4,5s), our primary source of rage.
Cycle 1:
Fatal Assault -> Shatter -> Impale
Cycle 1 allows us to put our 2 biggest moves + the DoTs that go with it via the talents. Once these 2 blows are launched, we end up with our Fatal Assault again available and we can continue on another cycle. Which will be the principle of each cycle.
This cycle is important because it allows us 2 times to attempt to trigger our Vandalism talent, allowing us to end the Rampage CD. This cycle has as main problem that it requires a lot of rage. This is why it is often launched just after engaging (Force Charge + cycle 2) to take advantage of the large amount of rage generated.
Rage produced: 3
Rage spent: 9 - 2 (Shien Form) = 7
Cycle 2:
Fatal Assault -> Ravage
Cycle 2 should be started as soon as possible and started because it generates a lot of damage and does not consume rage. Shatter and Impale end Ravage's cooldown (thanks to the Vandalism talent). We must therefore be ready to launch it after cycle 1. In the event that cycle 1 has just been carried out and Ravage is still under CD, we will instead launch a cycle 3 or 4 depending on the needs.
Rage produced: 3
Rage Expended: 0
Cycle 3:
Fatal Assault -> Saber Throw -> Shock
Cycle 3 is used to put us in full rage. It is to be launched when we find ourselves at 1 or 2 points of rage (no more otherwise we waste the rage) which would prevent us from launching cycle 1. The big flaw of this cycle is that it requires the 4 coin PvE bonus. to be viable, otherwise you won't be able to throw your sword in melee. This cycle can be replaced by the use of an Enrage
Rage produced: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
Rage Expended: 0
Cycle 4:
Fatal Assault -> Assault -> Force Cry
This last cycle is a bit like the cycle when we no longer know what to do (we still run it regularly), when all the spells mentioned above are on CD (cycle 1 and 2) and when we have no shortage of rage (cycle 3). It compensates for the level of rage and therefore allows to be launched at any time (regardless of the level of rage). In the event that we run this cycle with a significant amount of rage, we can replace Assault with Screwslit in order to generate a bit more damage.
The reason why Shatter and Impale are thrown more often than Force Shout, despite the high damage it generates, is that the latter does not trigger Vandalism and therefore launch Rampage as often as possible.
Rage produced: 3 + 2 = 5
Rage spent: 4 - 1 (Shien Form) = 3
Phase de burst:
Here we are not here to be in the lace. Your RaidLead asks you to send everything, you send everything!
The first thing to look at is: Is your Ravage Up? If this is the case we open directly with this spell.
The second thing to watch is: how much rage do you have? If you have less than 6, click your Enrage otherwise click it as soon as one of the next spells puts you under 6 of Rage.
From there we send everything:
- Impale
- Vicious Throw (if Boss Hp <30%)
- Weak
- Ravage (if Up again)
- Force cry
- Then we revive what is Up as long as we have rage, with a priority on the Vicious Throw, if the boss's life is less than 20% and preceded by an Impalement or a Smash to take advantage of the + 60% crit brought by the Savagery talent.
The idea is to use as little rage regeneration skills as possible, as they have very low damage. In case you are in need of rage, do not hesitate to launch cycle 3 described above.
Example cycle:
The choice of sub-cycles will be punctuated by the CD of offensive spells and by a talent: Vandalism. Indeed the latter allows us to reset the cooldown of the Rampage that it will be necessary to launch as often as possible.
Engage (3) -> Cycle 2 (6) -> Cycle 1 (2) ->
- (If we have a Vandalism Proc)
Cycle 2 (5) -> Cycle 1 (1) -> Cycle 3 (8) -> Cycle 1 (3) -> ...... - (If we don't have a Vandalism Proc)
Cycle 4 (3) -> Cycle 3 (10) -> Cycle 1 (3) -> Cycle 2 (6) -> Cycle 1 (2) ->......
The number in parenthesis is the amount of rabies at the end of the cycle.
The sequence of these cycles allows you to manage your rage and smooth your Dps, so as not to end up spamming your Assault which would ultimately be a loss of Dps because it generates little damage and little rage.
On reading it seems a bit complex, but nothing beats practice and after an evening of getting started, it will become natural.
Multi-target Dps cycle
The pest is quite poor in AoE. We will therefore have to do what we can with what we have. The ideal is to wait for the tank to collect all the enemies well and to launch:
Shock, as soon as it is Up -> Scanning spam
Occasionally, I prefer to skip the Sweep by focusing on targets one by one, using the cycles mentioned above, while continuing to throw my Shock as soon as possible. It depends on the amount of monsters.
Trades are a bit like tastes and colors ... I will only bring here a brief analysis of trades and what they can bring you:
Biochemistry: it allows us to achieve very powerful Stims and dopants (and reusable). An interesting profession for PvE.
Synthweaving: If you have just arrived 50, this profession may be of interest because it allows you to directly access the armbands and the Rakata belt. It also allows you to craft augment kits and augmentations.
Cybernetics: Allows you to craft interesting earbuds with blueprints obtained in operation. Armor and modifications are limited once a certain level of equipment is reached, but can be of interest during the leveling phase.
Artifice: if you have just arrived 50, this profession may be of interest because it allows you to directly access the Rakata relics. It also allows you to craft interesting crystals. Lightsaber sophistication and guards are limited once a certain gear level is reached, but can be of interest during the leveling phase.
Weapon maker: it allows you to craft augmentation kits and augmentations, but this profession is not an interesting profession for you except perhaps for making vibroblades.
Armor Makers: It allows you to craft augment kits and augmentations, but this profession is not an interesting profession for you.
The final word
This guide has been made without pretension and has as a primary aim to allow new players, or the oldest, wishing to make a Dps Ravager to find a support to begin to explore the PvE HL in the best conditions.
I do not think I have the infused science of the Ravager (I have not played it since the beginning of Swtor), there are surely elements of this guide which can be improved or subject to discussion and I am ready to discuss these points with you. .
I could not finish this guide without thanking the people who allow me to publish this guide. Thank you to the Swtor-guide team for the work you do every day for the community! Here is ! I hope you enjoyed this guide.