Hello / Good evening friends readers of SWTOR-Guide here is a small article about the avant-garde soldier and his leveling up to around level 30. Here no technique (not yet) nor strat or evolution templates, just a little retex on this class and the different planets visited during my story.
Attention, this sequence contains elements of history for those who do not want to spoil themselves, go your way.
Word Mantle
Getting started
The first quests are quite easy to do and get in the mood right away: we play "Rambo". The choices of dialogues allow us to define our Rambo: altruistic, mercenary or full respect for orders. Personally, I play it 100% light.
The first companion
Aric Jorgan allows us to finish quests on Ord Mantel quite easily and plays a role of pure dps. He comes with us more in order of the hierarchy than out of envy even if in the end he does not really regret this order. It is a companion that I "abandoned" after Taris.
Republic Fleet
Choice of advanced class
If we manage correctly (like killing all the mobs present on the way of the round trip quests…), we arrive on the Republic fleet ship at level 10. When arriving at the main floor, some discovery quests of the game (Sociability points…) but above all a Soldier who offers us to choose our advanced class by going to see our instructor in the meanders of the ship. After a quick glance at the Commando class, I choose the Vanguard for the Tank spec (I know for the WE beta, I played heal mercenary ^^). Here, I put my first point in the Mastery of the Shield tree, receive my shield and let's go.
Choice of crew skills
After passing all the Crew Skill Instructors to gain Codex entry (and experience!), I choose Salvage, Illegal Trade, and Armor Crafting to have armor optimized for my specialty. .
Arrival on the planet
By landing on the planet, we tell ourselves that it is a big planet and when we arrive in front of the Senate, this impression of grandeur is overwhelming, but hey, we have orders so we move forward and look afterwards. The seduction option is one of my favorites and I take it as soon as it is available which got me a little bit of laughter when I was actually invited into the quarters of a sergeant I met during the quests.
The general atmosphere is relatively Machiavellian even if our quests are mainly aid to the population.
The ship
Once the series of class quests is completed, we get our ship, a BT-7 Hurricane, as well as our second companion which will only be useful for carrying out crew missions but which will allow us to move forward faster. in our businesses. The departure for the 3rd planet intervenes and here we are projected in the sidereal space with the possibility of making space combat… or not. Personally, I threw myself into it head first for my greatest pleasure. And then Direction Taris.
The planet
If you love grass, nature, Rakghouls and swamps, then you will love Taris with its hordes of Rakghouls who will jump at your throat at the first opportunity with their feet in the mud for your greatest happiness. The quests are pleasant and like on other planets are done by level zones which is rather pleasant despite the linearization of the scenario.
The second companion
The class quests are quite fun with increasingly clear choices. We read with delight the dialogues with Elara and of course I could not help but try to seduce her ^^ which unfortunately did not work (but I do not despair ^^). I couldn't wait to have it with me since leveling in a tank without heal is not always great, especially when you're greedy: p.
Here, Taris is a small planet, I did not linger while doing the bonus quests and I am already launching towards Nar Shaddaa.
Nar Shaddaa
The planet
Much less pleasant, darker, more corrupt than the previous one, I tell myself right away, I'm doing my job and goodbye to this sordid planet whose general atmosphere does not please me at all. I don't like the city and having to navigate in a submarine hiding all or part of my information from the people supposed to help me doesn't please me or Elara. We are therefore leaving to do what is strictly necessary to accomplish our mission here.
The third companion
Regarding our future squad member, we meet him right away and we know it will hurt to have him. Indeed, an armored robot specializing in the collection of missiles and destruction, will have to deserve it. Indeed, the fight is not super easy without being impossible either but if we are not careful, we must be able to make it last a little while ^^
Once M1-4X is in the squad, I make the decision to take him away from this planet to go to Tatooine Beach.
Whoever sold me the trip to the beautiful Tatooïne beach must have forgotten that when we say beach, there must also be the sea and at least a few coconut palms to make the destination interesting, instead, sand at a loss in sight, a few Imperials, men of the completely toasted sands and ruthless Jawas in business.
Otherwise, the sand itches and it goes everywhere, having to go in the ship to remove the damn sand, I'm not telling you about the misery.
Other than that, our mission goes smoothly, a secret weapon buried, Imperials to destroy and a repentant of the squad to save, or not. I chose the first option at the risk of getting slapped on my fingers by the General, which did not fail to happen. After this great shouting match for the leaking of important documents (I can't be everywhere, for the moment), I take the tangent direction Alderaan but that is another story.
For those who would like to chat with me IG, I'm on the server shown in the last picture, it's your turn to play ^^
Otherwise, good game everyone and see you soon for new adventures ...