A new huttball war zone has been added to swtor's PvP maps today with 5.9.3. Let's take a look at this map and the content of this update.
Vandin is Huttball's new card. It takes the classic rules of the mode and offers new terrain and new mechanics such as knockout traps that will do no damage, but electrocute the characters who pass through them. Here is a part made on this map for you to discover.
Patch-notes 5.9.3
- General
- Classes
- JcE
- PvP
- Economy
- Huttball de Vandin - The galaxy's favorite sport * returns to a new location: the Heavenly Shredder! Huttball fans will be able to travel to Vandin, a world of admirable landscapes **, to participate in new even more deadly challenges and try to win!
- * Based on a survey of Hut Cartel members and staff.
- ** Visibility may vary depending on the species of visitors. Certain respiratory restrictions apply.
- Double Rewards Event - Double your EXP, Command EXP and more from October 9-16!
- Players without a subscription can now chat freely in groups and guilds.
- The Manaan Fortress Roof Garden is no longer inaccessible in certain situations.
- Ranked and Unclassified Warzones now have separate queue buttons in the Activity Finder.
- Players can once again access the PvP areas of Ilum as a group.
- All large hooks can again be selected in the main deck of the Rishi Fortress Air Carrier.
- The Rishi Fortress Viewpoint platform has returned to its normal price of 1,5 million credits.
- The single player index and group index of characters using server transfer will be reset if they are greater than 1.
- The small yield objective of conquests is now 170 (against 000 previously).
Classes + Combat
- You can now protect yourself against critical hits in PvP.
Jedi knight
- Using the Focused Burst will no longer trigger involuntary forced movement in other players in PvP.
- Using the Focused Burst will no longer trigger involuntary forced movement in other players in PvP.
Sith warrior
- Using the Frenzied Burst will no longer trigger involuntary forced movement in other players in PvP.
- Using the Frenzied Burst will no longer trigger involuntary forced movement in other players in PvP.
Jedi Consular
- Added an overall cooldown of 0,25 seconds to Shadow Step to avoid any issues when this power overlaps with other movement powers.
Sith Inquisitor
- Added an overall cooldown of 0,25 seconds to the Phantom Step to avoid any issues when this power overlaps with other movement powers.
- An overall cooldown of 0,25 seconds has been added to Vicious Movement to avoid any issues if this power overlaps with other movement powers.
Imperial Agent
Secret agent
- An overall cooldown of 0,25 seconds has been added to Holotravel to avoid any issues if this power overlaps with other movement powers.
Bounty hunter
- The “Captors of Animosity” mastery power will now increase melee and ranged defense by 3% as intended.
- The "Combination EOE" mastery power will now increase melee and ranged defense by 3% as intended.
operations--uprisings">Flashpoints + Operations + Uprisings
- Completing a Flashpoint on Veteran difficulty in the Activity Finder will now count towards the "Activity Finder: Socialite I" and "Activity Finder: Socialite II" conquest objectives.
Contentious areas
Bloody hunt
- The clash between Jos and Valk Beroya has been rebalanced to be a bit easier in Veteran mode.
- The clash between Jos and Valk Beroya should reset less often in story mode when the Battle Support Droid or player's partner is knocked down in the boss area.
The pests
- Players can no longer escape death inflicted by the Devastating Nova Electro-Pulse while using / stuck during the Master and Blaster encounter.
- Blaster will still lose its invulnerability shield after Master's arrival, as intended.
Machine-born gods
- Although Izax is a machine, it will no longer show debug text.
- Aivela and Esne will no longer apply the Positive Bias debuff in Story and Veteran mode.
Galactic hunter
- The Command XP reward earned for winning a Galactic Hunter game has been increased.
War zones
- In Ancient Hypergate and The Void Star, using interactable items will no longer automatically exit a character from stealth mode.
Objects + Economy
- The Guild Flagship Name Change item can now be sold in the Galactic Trade Network.
- Several low-level premium and prototype items no longer require you to own Rise of the Hutt Cartel.
- The unbuttoned trench coat is now on display in the Cartel Market.
- The Minimalist Gladiator's Chestguard is now on display in the Cartel Market.
- The name of the "Capture Mark" style is now displayed correctly in the collections interface.
- The Longspur Cavalier now corresponds to the correct mount in the collections interface.
- Onslaught Zeldrate now matches the correct mount in the Collections UI.
- The title "Corsair, Undisciplined" can now be unlocked in collections as intended.
- Fixed several Fortress Decorations appearing in the wrong categories.
- Relics and Iokath Type 4 blueprints now have the word "relic" in their name.
- Players should find themselves stuck inside the Cantina Bar Set (Small) decoration less often.
Missions + NPCs
- Level sync now applies to all chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire and Knights of the Eternal Throne.
- Fixed several in-game cutscenes where walls, partners or surroundings were not appearing correctly, weapons were not drawn, etc.
- In the Bounty Hunter's "Some Just Deserve To Die" mission, the map marker now appears in the correct place.