Following the last livestream, Steven Chew, previously World Designer and now Senior Designer at Bioware, answered some questions about the Eternal Tournament / Championship which will be added to the game in March.
Here is the information to remember from his message:
- This new element is intended to give the solo player (with his companion) challenges that gradually get tougher.
- The goal is to have the first five rounds achievable by players who have just completed the first nine chapters of KotFE, and have some extra elements.
- By successfully completing the fifth round, they will get gear that is better than what they have in story content.
- From the sixth round, the challenges will intensify until the final challenge, the tenth. This increase in difficulty is still being adjusted at this time.
- The Eternal Tournament / Championship offers an alternative for solo players to obtain higher level gear, at a slower speed than Operations and Flashpoints however.
- Maximum level gear is still reserved for the more difficult group content that requires more effort and coordination from more players.
- On the discussion topic of the official forum dedicated to discussions about this tournament, he saw loads of suggestions that match what they have in mind, and other very interesting ideas as well. Also, he encourages players to continue posting suggestions regarding the Eternal Tournament / Championship.
- He also thanked the players for their messages.
These are announcements that should reassure some skeptics about the operating equipment!