According to the sources, the planet is called Rakata Prime or Lehon. The first name was given to it by the soldiers of the Republic and the Sith of Darth Revan who first explored it. Technical and practical, no poetry.
Civil servants who looked into this case after them preferred the name that gave it the local natives, the second. Thus, according to its source or the documents that one tries to meet again, one could believe to be dealing with two distinct worlds. But no, they are one. The fact that it interests few people does not help correct this misunderstanding. But the planet is in the Unknown Regions, not near a major trade route. And then, the army itself has its reasons for not encouraging local tourism. Anything related to the Infinite Empire of the Rakatas is likely to be problematic. However, Lehon / Rakata Prime is their home planet.
The rakata were only a primitive race when the kwa landed on their planet. A set of tribes at war with each other, the vanquished being eaten by the victors. The newcomers set out to educate them, train them in the Force, and teach them how to develop their technology. They soon realized their mistake: they had helped build an ogre who was totally devoted to the Dark Side and who only wanted to swallow the galaxy. The kwa withdrew as soon as they realized it, but it was too late.
At its peak, the Infinite Empire will number in the 500 systems, the largest territory currently identified. They ruled the galaxy for about 10 years, from the Core to the Outer Rim. They experienced several civil wars, but it was an epidemic that stopped them. Then they lost their connection to the Force, and all their technology was based on it. The Infinite Empire collapsed. On Lehon / Rakata Prime, the survivors dug into caves and retreated. They reverted to primitive technology tribes, clashing and destroying each other.
Three centuries ago, when Darth Revan rediscovered the planet, he found only dying degenerates, their only hope for survival being genetic information contained in a certain computer that would allow them to modify their DNA and restore themselves. . Revan didn't give much thought to their case, he was more interested in the orbiting station capable of creating ships of all kinds while being automated. During the Battle of the Star Forge, the Republic wanted to get more involved. But some of the remaining tribes did not want to cooperate and others did not feel ready to look outward. Basically, it was okay for everyone to keep the system out of bounds to explore, and it was listed as a Historic Site to Protect. It is not even known if the last Rakata tribes survived and succeeded in overcoming their degeneration. And if so, for how long?
Lehon / Rakata Prime was once surrounded by an electromagnetic field that disrupted the electronics of ships entering the system. They therefore crashed into the oceans and around the tropical islands of the planet. Their crews were massacred by locals who were less well equipped but more numerous and terribly aggressive. Their cargoes, when they were animal, often ended up diversifying the local fauna. This is how, for example, these islands are populated by gizkas, these small lizards which reproduce and multiply at high speed, too fast to be able to eliminate them one by one. This electromagnetic field was deactivated to allow the Republic to attack during the Battle of the Star Forge, and has not been reactivated since. For this, it would require skills that the rakata have lost. The controls are in the Temple of the Ancients, making this ruined building one if not the most important on the planet. Three centuries ago, it lost its force field which prevented anyone who did not meet certain conditions from entering the interior. Who knows what condition he is in now. Another consequence of the clash between the troops of Admiral Forn Dodonna and Revan's successor, Darth Malak, is a collection of debris floating in orbit, making it difficult to land on the surface.
It's hard to talk about Lehon / Rakata Prime without talking about his rancors. These predators, the smallest of which exceed 5 meters and the largest more than double, have easily climbed to the top of the animal kingdom of the planet. Only small problem, they are not from there. Their species originated on Dathomir, which is also the home planet of the kwa. It is not known if the latter took them with them on their first voyages, or if the Infinite Empire saw potential in them when they laid waste to this enemy planet. In any case, it was during this period that they were implanted. Some elements may have been added when ships while transporting crashed, but they are in the minority. Since Lehon's population technologically regressed, some tribes have tamed rancors and use them in battle. Others live free and wild in the jungles of the different islands. Difficult to list the rest of the local fauna when such a threat can arise at any time.
The Lehon / Rakata Prime system is classified as a Historic Site to Protect, which means that it cannot theoretically be accessed without special authorization. But it is not particularly easy to assign guards to ensure that it is always done right. Smugglers could easily access it. The establishment of a permanent base would be disturbed by the natives, and would require an army to be maintained in place. The Underworld therefore has no interest in coming to visit. But things could very well change soon. The Empire has taken an interest in certain rakata technologies lately, and the Dread Masters have not hesitated to use some of their remains to supplement their army. So some people did some research to figure out what it was. This generated a craze, which reverberated among collectors of artifacts and other archaeological items. Belsavis has helped deliver a certain amount to the market, but is not a great place to help yourself. So why not go to the source, where no one is looking? And this is how the planet would be brought back into the galactic community. Unless some have really taken advantage of its remoteness to set up a military base ...