This article is primarily intended for all PVP noobs. Anyone who has trouble with BGs, afraid to jump into the arena after spending hours warm behind their tank in the Litigation Zone. But it's time to take the plunge! And read this article ...
Already I confess, I suck in pvp. A ball ! A brèle! Shame on my guild and my unreal friends! And it is surprisingly this presupposition that legitimizes this article. Because it is by being at the lowest that we can only climb as Merlin the Enchanter said in the cartoon of the same name. And it is by being a finished ball that we learn the most to get by. And that's good, pvp is all about survival, especially when we talk about healers. The interest of this paper will therefore be to give two three reassuring tips to those who would like to get started, and if you know healers who do not dare to accompany you on your murderous outings, well maybe this article will help you. you will also help to convince them.
The role of trainers in BG
Whoever answers "take care" go and hang themselves! Because this one has never cast a single healing spell next to a guy from the opposing faction who looked at him with drooling in his lips and the sharp double lightsaber. In this kind of case, when the healer bravely tries to keep alive the band of crazy people he deigns to accompany (because yes, you will see it, the healer in BG is above all a courageous hero), then the others of opposite have the unfortunate tendency to come and dismantle the portrait of the unfortunate.
So the healer is not a healer. The healer should be a healer, but very quickly he turns out to be a really good tank, as long as you let him grab some stuff. And for all those who are not yet full heroes of war, the observation is there: we heal like marbles and we are beamed in two seconds ... How to survive then? How can we even help our allies? Several techniques to review ...
First misconception broken therefore: the role of a healer is not to heal, but first of all to survive! The numbers prove it, a dead healer heals less than a living healer.
Pititun: the stuff
So here we are directly touching a huge point of disagreement in the community. There are those who advocate the use of the rookie stuff, and have the nasty habit of being the majority, and there are those who don't care and just want to do big cares that stain that yours truly is a humble representative. So let's take a close look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of the solutions (completely biased, of course?).
The rookie stuff is the blue stuff that you have for free at level 50. You just have to go to the fleet, in the corner where nags are waiting for their next BG and to pass discreetly without looking them in the eyes. - these people are sometimes a little cranky and they do not know yet that you are going to save their lives very soon. So sneak up to the PVP quest terminal, and there we offer you a stuff: the rookie stuff. The first will be happy, will put it on, and will immediately go to join a BG to go and try to heal. The others will not care, will prefer to sell it for 320 credits, and look elsewhere for their happiness.
Rookie stuff is roughly the equivalent of pve Zionist stuff. That is to say that you are as thick as a chip and that the slightest mistake of your group or yourself ends in death. But it is possible that the character who has just reached level 50 does not have better, in this case, we will not spit in the soup.
For the others, bravo! You have just won 320 credits! (I take 000%: P)
In this case, the other technique is to go for the PVE stuff corresponding to your spec ... and ... and picétou. There you go on another idea. Even if it means dying, you might as well swing as much care as possible before. Because until you have a blind of expertise, a rakkata coin is much more interesting than a rookie coin. Be careful though, I'm not saying that the pve stuff is equivalent to the pvp stuff. But if you are already full Rakkata / Black Hole, then go for it as is in BG. As a recruit or as you are, survival level, that will not change the masses.
Pitideu: The camouflage mode
Because we told you above: in any case, when you start pvp, you are as fresh as an SNCF sandwich and your enemies know it! After a few heals, you will have a huge target on your face and everyone will know in front that you are the first focus. In other words, all will shoot you on sight and destroy your altruistic dreams.
The advice of the day is therefore simple: hide! Treat discreetly! A pole, a crate, an instant heal spell casually should save you precious seconds. A lightning strike / knife / blaster will make you pass for the lambda pvp boy and can put to sleep the suspicion of the big nag who has just passed next to you to go and smash the carrier of the ball.
The most common noob heal mistake is getting right in the middle of the melee by making visible spells. Yes, you know, the big care that makes lots of green light all over the place, well that was a bad idea. Prefer discreet spells or downright nag. Raising 6000 points of life suddenly, that can justify an intense focus on you sometimes. But not always.
And if by misfortune your cover falls into the water, I hope for you that you had precisely the finger on your defensive fates. Because do not count on the ungrateful who receive your care without giving you a thank you (bastards!). In this case, you will have to use another technique ...
Pititrois : Follow the leader
The observation is simple: while the big nags opposite tend to come and destroy your face as soon as they see you, those you treat seem to give a damn. The technique that often works, therefore, is to look at the gear of all the participants in the big butcher's shop before it starts, and to choose the one with the biggest stuff and the biggest pvp rank (by inspecting it). This one, you are pretty sure, knows what a BG without heal means. So send him a little private message like this: "Does a heal tell you what to do with you first?" Usually, he answers yes, and in addition he will realize that it is his lucky day and that he must not waste this luck. So follow it, and admire. Normally your savage nag is tamed, and now you're walking around the combat zone with a quite submissive and quick-to-save armored marauder as you save his own butt. And as a bonus, he will not hesitate for a second, if you have done your job well, he will vote for you at the end of the BG. That is the demand of the people ?
Pitiquat' : Be a Damage Healer !
We have seen that a healer in BG is above all a tank that must survive.
Let us see now that even in the most timid of consular jedis a big nag is sleeping, and that as a healer, it is not a shame to know how to type when you have to.
Too often indeed I see end results of BG where healers get away with 0 damage. Incomprehensible to me. Often times, hitting instead of healing will finish off a guy faster and therefore lessen the damage to your little comrades. In Huttball for example, slowing down and immobilizing the ball carrier and at least as important as healing, if not more. To hit an enemy who tries to take a point or to plant a bomb, it's everyone's job, yours too.
Finally ...
... The sensations that we experience when we survey the BGs as a healer are strong. A true Swiss Army knife, every second brings with it its share of surprises. Sometimes healer, sometimes tank, sometimes tapper, you benefit from everything that is possible to do in the game. After a while, the nicest players congratulate you and ask to play with you.
There would have been much more to say. But for my first article, I wanted to avoid making an indigestible pavement. And then, like I said at the start, I'm just a noob myself learning every day.
I just hope that these few tips will be useful to you, and that in the comments you will not hesitate to share yours. ?