Among the Republican territories of the Deep Core, Empress Teta is renowned for her safe and stable journey. Enough to establish an important trade route. So much the better for their carbonite deposits.
An advantage that also has its drawbacks: the government has to deal with corporations that come to harvest and process this mineral. This system of nine planets orbiting the sun Koros (Keres I, Gillad, Mozos, Empress Teta, Tryast, Phiris, Phoros, Ronika and Keres II) including seven habitable (remove Keres I and II from the previous list) carries a strange last name. It is in fact that of the leader who unified the system into a single political entity. And also a great hero of the Republic because she was the spearhead of her army during the Great Hyperspace War, which destroyed the old version of the Sith Empire.
In -1357 before the Treaty of Coruscant, when the planet Empress Teta was still called Koros Major, the young princess ascended the throne in the capital Cinnagar. At that time, on Coruscant, Supreme Chancellor Fattum decreed that only the nobles of this planet would have a monopoly on carbonite mines. A scandal that killed his political career and caused all-out war between the seven different governments of the system.
These shenanigans had been set in motion before young Teta ascended the throne, but she couldn't let the consequences destroy her. During the first ten years of her reign, she therefore pursued a policy of war, annexing her defeated adversaries. She was a renowned warrior, placing herself in the front lines and not just relying on her generals. Among his advisers, Jedi master Memit Nadill represented the Order. Towards the end of the Unification Wars, young Odan-Urr joined him. With their help, she was able to establish negotiations which made it possible to establish a political and commercial alliance and to relax relations with the vanquished. Understanding and harmony to maintain and preserve peace. But the army of planet Kirrek (the planet having been renamed, hard to say which one it is), Koros Major’s last opponent, still refused.
They even started terrorist attacks on Cinnagar and Coruscant. The invasion and the final battle in -1347 BC. TC were therefore done with the approval of the Senate. The recalcitrant were labeled rebels, and imprisoned on the planet Ronika. The Empress now ruled the whole system.

Empress Teta and Jedi Master Memit Nadill
When peace returned, it was time to heal the wounds and legislate to harmonize the institutions. A few days after the victory parade, two events crossed the same day, without apparent connection. Aarrba, a hutt who owned a garage in Cinnagar, submitted a legal problem: two of his clients, a brother and sister orphaned since the Battle of Kirrek, wanted to become hyperspacial explorers (those who discover new routes, their discoveries paid for by the Navigators Guild) but had turned against a powerful enemy. While fleeing to escape assassins, they had failed to pay Aarrba and even damaged his garage. On the other side, Odan-Urr had had visions of the return of an ancient enemy that other Jedi prophecies already called the Sith. What did these two events have in common? Jori and Gav Daragon, the clients of the hutt, while fleeing, discovered a direct route to Korriban. They had accidentally carved a route between the Core and the heart of the Sith Empire. A road that the new Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow intended to explore. As for Odan-Urr's visions, although she did not understand them, Empress Teta trusted her Jedi advisers enough to base her policy on them. Even though the Coruscant Senate and the Jedi Council refused to take his warnings seriously.

Odan-Urr, future Grand Master of the Jedi Order
A few months later, an intruder infiltrated the palace, seeking to speak to the Empress. Jori Daragon was back from the Sith Empire. Because of her family's debts, she hadn't been listened to when she talked about the Sith and had to escape Ronika prison. Even though she had come in strange ways, Memit Nadill and Odan-Urr jumped at the chance. They had an eyewitness who would finally allow them to make things happen. Master Nadill immediately left for Coruscant, but had no time to reach the Senate building (the Jedi Council did not sit on the planet at the time) before Naga Sadow's troops attacked. They hit several points simultaneously, like the capital of the Republic or the Koros system. In the latter, the eruption of an enemy army brought about a sacred union where even the rebels imprisoned on Ronika joined the army of the Empress. Their leader Llaban was even made responsible for the defense of the system. A front that Teta couldn't dwell on.
With an army of veterans (which had not been demobilized since the end of the war), preparing for several months to face the Sith and under the spotlight thanks to the end of the Unification Wars, she was all designated to take command of the republican coalition forces. It was his troops who drove Naga Sadow back, and followed him to Korriban. It was under his orders that the planet was attacked, in order to permanently eliminate the threat posed by the Sith Empire. Only a lack of information kept him from succeeding.
This year -1347 BC. TC was therefore the year of glory for Empress Teta. Her system was finally united under her government and she had become a leading galactic figure. Always assisted by the master Memit Nadill, she set about rebuilding her worlds. His fame allowed him to gain an advantage in economic negotiations, allowing the mines in his territory to take the lead over rivals. She remained an important figure in Core politics, passing away at a (very) advanced age. During her lifetime, she was already beginning to become a legendary figure as her sector was nicknamed the Empress Teta system. Then after his death, the change became official. It became the Empress Teta system. Few can claim to leave such a mark in eternity.
- The Legend of the Jedi, Volume 1: The Golden Age of the Sith
- The Legend of the Jedi, Volume 2: The Fall of the Sith