Within the Republic, it is a very flattering comparison to be put in the same bag as the capital. It is already very difficult to become a planet covered by one and the same city, but the influence that you have to have on your sector to get there ... Taris had succeeded in getting there. Just under a thousand years ago, this four-moon planet became a trade hub in the sector. For several centuries, it has thus developed over several floors, the poorest living at ground level while only the richest had the right to see the sky with their own eyes. The architecture with its buildings with rounded tops was characteristic of the planet. A swoop race in the intermediate levels kicked off the discipline's sporting season. The local gangs relied on it a lot to develop, and several of them went so far as to compete against the professionals. The emergence of new trade routes and a civil war between upper and lower levels began to show some decline. However, it was at the end of it and the confirmation of the established order that Taris entered the Republic, about 350 years ago. Which was almost immediately followed by the establishment of a Jedi enclave led by master Lucien Draay. The ruling class behaved more and more like that of the Core. But the war would make Outer Rim Coruscant discover how far she was from the standards of importance she dreamed of.
First it was the Mandalorian War. Taris served as a relay point for the armies facing the Neo-Crusaders, but the resources allocated to this conflict by the Core were insufficient and the Republic army was relentlessly retreating. The forehead came closer and closer. Lhosan industries, the main economic group on the planet, chose to relocate to safeguard their investments. The Jedi tower was abandoned following the massacre of its padawans, master Lucien Draay integrating shortly after the Jedi Council. The Mandalorians invaded the planet, causing local resistance to organize closer and closer to the surface. And when they got there, they had to face another enemy: that's when the rakghoul plague was discovered. The Taris elites lost many leaders under these circumstances. And those who succeeded them, when Revan's armies reconquered and brought the planet back into the fold of the Republic, decreed that all non-humans were banished from the upper floors. The infrastructure was relatively intact, but with an influx of refugees, the sea farms had become unable to produce enough for everyone. Potentially very explosive situation. How long could they last in this situation? We'll never know. The war that was then taking place was now between the Republic and the forces of the Sith Darth Revan, and then his apprentice Darth Malak. A skirmish took place in the system. Endar's Arrow, Hammerhead-class Republic cruiser, was defeated and crashed. A handful of survivors managed to escape in escape pods. Having spotted among them his former master, yet declared dead by the Jedi, Darth Malak gave the order to bomb the planet.
Taris was totally destroyed. For the first time in centuries, the surface was bathed in sunlight. Those who survived the bombardment died when floors collapsed or tall towers crashed into other structures. The rakghouls were free to attack anyone who was a predator at the top of the food chain. And food resources that are impossible to renew. Darth Malak did not take his time to destroy everything, not even that of repatriating his troops who occupied the planet. Among the dead, the angry ghost of the Sith Kalatosh Zavros still haunts the ruins of the Jedi enclave. After the war, a restoration project was initiated on Telos, which had suffered a similar fate. But its too high cost dissuaded from copying it on other planets. Taris was therefore abandoned for three centuries, the only ones to have a reason to visit it being those wanting to disappear from certain radars. But everything changed after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. The Republic needed large scale projects to rebuild its reputation. And the proximity of Taris to the imperial territories made it possible to justify to the most hawkish the preparation of a bridgehead for a major offensive. Thus began the restoration of the planet. Its leadership was given to Senator Twi'lek Leontyne Saresh, a political enemy of the Supreme Chancellor who should have seen her career crash in such a difficult direction. Yet she has proven to be so competent in this governorship that her ascent continues to new heights. And if the Empire were to destroy this colony, there is no doubt that it would reach a particularly high level ...