Now that 2.1 is on our servers, let's take a look at the Collections functionality. To access it, you can click on the "Collections" button, at the top right of the cartel market. This button is also available on the inventory, at the bottom left.

Once in the interface, we find ourselves with a panel quite similar to what we have recently had with the achievements. We have 14 categories:
- Cartel Market: Items that can be purchased directly from the Market.
- Cartel reputation: items for sale from the Contraband Resale company (armor, vehicles, partner character).
- Packs: contents of the two cargo packs (Cartel Packs and Contraband Packs).
- armor
- Arms
- Color crystals
- vehicles
- Pets
- Toys (kolto tank, holo-statue ...)
- Space equipment
- Securities
- Emotes
- Partner customization
- Special: objects of the collector's item, promotional items ...
Remember to connect all your characters so that the system can scan your possessions that are not added automatically. Note that it will only add related objects, so no need to hope to resell the object once added to the collection. It is necessary to have all the linked items of an outfit to unlock an outfit.
In any case, from now on, there is no need for us to keep the inventory of vehicles and pets: you can now very easily see where these collector's items are located? Now let's talk about the main interest of this tool, the ability to share items acquired on a character with other characters from his accounts. Take these two screens, taken on two different characters:
On the first character, on the left, I have the Urbrikki Purple Claw, so not much to say. But on the second, I don't have it, so there is the icon that we now know on the cartel market. If I click on it, hop:
For 60 Cartel Coins, I can get this vehicle for all of my characters. This is the same mechanism for all objects and the main utility of this functionality (beyond the practical inventory aspect to find your way around).
What do you think ? Are you going to crack?