Empire is a famous English magazine which deals with cinema. For its 301st issue, it has just asked its readers to vote for the 301 best films ever to be released in theaters. And the ranking is published in the June issue (and on their site you can find the link at the very bottom of the article). And the least we can say is that there are beautiful people. The choices are quite eclectic too. There are recent films as well as old, even old silent black and white. Great directors and others who have forgotten that you need a script behind the special effects of a summer blockbuster. Films from several origins and countries, including Spain (which is not won in an Anglo-Saxon ranking). Comedy, adventure, action, thriller, cartoons, superheroes, fantasy, science fiction ... And in the middle of it all, Star Wars is well placed with four episodes in the 301. I'll let you guess which are the two failures. I'm not going to list all the movies for you, it's quite long. But the top 10 often remains the most interesting in these cases:
- 10 : Inception de Christopher Nolan (2010)
- 9: Raiders of the lost Ark / Raiders of the lost Ark by Steven Spielberg (1981)
- 8: Jaws / The Teeth of the Sea by Steven Spielberg (1975)
- 7: The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the ring / The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by Peter Jackson (2001)
- 6: Star Wars Episode IV: A new hope / Episode IV: A new hope by Georges Lucas (1977)
- 5: Pulp Fiction by Quentin Tarantino (1994)
- 4: The Shawshank redemption / Les évadés de Frank Darabont (1994)
- 3 : The Dark Knight de Christopher Nolan (2008)
- 2: The Godfather / Le Parrain de Francis Ford Coppola (1972)
- 1: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire strikes back / Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back by Irvin Kreshner (1980)
What do you think of this ranking? Is it to your liking? Or on the contrary do you find it completely absurd? For more details, you can find the full list below.