I think that the information will have escaped no one, with this update 2.1, it is now possible to modify the appearance of his character.
You can do this by going to the Appearance Creator on your faction's Fleet or in your capital (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas). Click on the kiosk and the personalization interface appears.
PS: the prices you will see on the pictures are the prices for subscribers and are lower than for players in f2p or privilege mode. The prices for these two modes will be indicated in green in the article and the prices for subscribers in blue.
So here you are with an interface that strongly resembles character creation. Let's see in detail each part of the creator.
Change of species
You have the possibility to change the species of your character. Of course, some cash is blocked and requires an additional cost, either in Cartel coins or in credit.
Cost: 1200 coins / 792 coins
Appearance change
With this box, you will be able to modify the appearance of your character, from his build to the color of his skin, including his hair style, his scars, etc. Some hair, skin, hairstyle, and tattoo color options have been added and are unlockable through the Combine Market, and are colored pink in the Appearance Creator.
Cost :
- Body type: 160 pieces / 80 pieces
- Head: 160 pieces / 80 pieces
- Scars: 80 pieces / 40 pieces
- Complexion: 40 pieces / 20 pieces
- Eye color: 40pcs / 20pcs
- Beard: 80 pieces / 40 pieces
- Tattoos: 40 pieces / 20 pieces
- Hair: 80pcs / 40pcs
- Hair Color: 80pcs / 40pcs
- Skin color: 120 pieces / 60 pieces
The bill please
Then comes the dreaded moment when you have to go to the cash register. You can already see the discounts granted to subscribers, then the total of the changes, as well as the amount of Cartel coins you have available. Then click on "Change appearance" to validate your choice.
Small gallery for fun