Updates at the end of the article
Original article from June 23, 2015
The decoration Temple Seat (Basic) was added in patch 3.2.2 to compensate for an error. Available for only 1 credit per unit and without reputation from the Esstran Exports vendor, this seat can for the time being resell 100 credits each to a merchant. As you can imagine, this is a bug and Eric Musco intervened on the official forum, specifying that using this (to make money) was a bug exploit.

The decoration in question
Eric also clarified that they will resolve this concern as soon as possible and that in the meantime it is not necessary never buy and resell the seats as well. Once the problem is resolved, analyzes will be carried out to identify and properly punish those who would use this bug to collect credits. Eric will keep us posted as soon as he has new information on this.
Update : Tait Watson added a little message to indicate that the warning on the game launcher about this bug exploitation is only there for people to be aware of and not to indicate that you have used this bug and are therefore subject to sanction. At least you can't tell you didn't know!
Update 2 (24/06) : New press release from Eric Musco today. Some quick news from him, sanctions have already been taken against offending players who used this bug, and they will continue to monitor this. At the same time, they are working to resolve this bug as quickly as possible and hope that it will be done today (note: in the United States, so potentially overnight in Europe). He will communicate on how the offending players are tracked and on the sanctions taken when the problem has been resolved and all sanctions applied.
Again, he urges people not to use this bug. They have taken the necessary steps to notify everyone as quickly as possible as they take this bug very seriously. So no more excuses if you are at fault?
Update 3 (25/06/2015) : Again, Eric gives news on the sanctions. Currently, all players caught using this bug receive one week suspension as a punishment. This is only the beginning, it does not mean that it will be the only action taken against them. In particular, this gives them time to verify these accounts in question in order to implement the sanctions.
Once all these checks have been made, the final sanctions can be applied, ranging from the withdrawal of dishonestly earned credits, items purchased, and additional suspension time, which can even go to final suspension depending on the severity of the exploit. It can therefore cost you dearly!