Here are the codex - bestiary entries that you will find on Taris, the planet infested by the Rakghouls, for both factions, use the tabs to choose your faction. Map of the planet with the place where you will find these species:
- Empire Card
- Republic card
Rakgoule" src="/images/posts/33afd13b5242004f827c0781082bb7e7-3.jpg">
Empire : Kill an "Imposing Rakghoul" (level 35)
Republic : Kill a "Pillager Rakghoul" (level 20 strong)
Codex entry
A real scourge on legs, rakghouls are the manifestation of an extremely contagious disease capable of transforming their victims in no time into cruel, degenerate monsters with predatory instincts. The rakghoul virus can infect hundreds of known species; a single bite may be enough. People "lucky" enough to survive a rakghoul attack inevitably become one of them. Some victims can resist the virus for several days, but eventually succumb to rakghoul instincts while retaining their body envelope.The different strains of the virus have given rise to several types of rakghouls. The weakest move in large colonies, while the imposing ones tend to hunt alone. The virus acts quickly when it infects another species, and less quickly when rakghouls mate with each other.
Before Taris was bombed, the rakghouls lived in the underground city of the planet. Many specialists believe that rakghouls originate from Taris, but rare cases of infection in other areas of the galaxy call this theory into question.
Swamp Marauder
Empire : Kill a "Marauder Marauder Drone" (level 32)
Republic : Kill a "Marauder Marauder Crier" (level 19)
Codex entry
The swamp marauder is a species dating from the prehistoric times of Taris. It was believed to be extinct until it reappeared, following the bombardment that hit the planet. Marsh marauders have survived for millennia in the teeming underground cities of Taris. In the new swampy rubble as far as the eye can see, these creatures were quick to thrive.It should be noted that the pollution caused by the destruction of Taris made the Marauder of the Swamps more resilient: its flesh is poisonous to most predators, including the insatiable rakghouls.
Nekgoule" src="/images/posts/33afd13b5242004f827c0781082bb7e7-5.jpg">
Empire : Kill a "Nekghoul Leader" (level 35 strong) inside the infested outpost
Republic : Kill a "Mutant Nekgoule Horror" (elite level 20) inside the infested excavation site, it patrols
Codex entry
Rakghouls evolve incredibly fast, but they had never shown any sign of intelligence before. Larger and more awake than their rakghoul cousins, the nekgoules could almost pass for a new species. They are incapable of infecting or transforming their victims, but are sensitive to force and wreak havoc without restraint.Although the nekgoules are gifted with speech, they do not keep track of their origins. Did they come from a Sith or Jedi infected with the rakghoul virus? Of a mutation caused by the destroyed reactors of Taris? Now is not the time for studies; currently, surviving these monsters is proving hard enough.
connection" src="/images/posts/33afd13b5242004f827c0781082bb7e7-6.jpg">
Empire : Kill a "Prowling Nexu" (level 33 strong)
Republic : Kill a "Young Nexu" (level 15 strong)
Codex entry
Felines native to the forests on the planet Cholganna, nexuses have become dominant predators across the galaxy over the past several centuries, adapting to new environments with their natural strength and rapid reproductive cycle. Nexus packs have been observed in the tundra of Mygeeto and the humid jungles of Rodia, as adept at stalking as they are at executing their prey.In many cultures, nexuses embody brutality, and several Mandalorian clans have adopted them as a symbol. Some xenobiologists assert that the nexuses are much less violent than what is said and that it is the development of civilization that agitates the felines. They are intelligent, strong and resourceful animals ... but cruel or aggressive, no.
Ferrazide dog
Empire : Kill a "Ferrazide Raider" (level 33)
Republic : Kill a "Ferrazide Hunter" (level 17)
Codex entry
Millennia ago, before Taris became a planet city, and thus long before its destruction, Ferrazid dogs lived in jungles and swamps, hunting birds and lizards in small packs. When Taris urbanized, everyone believed the ferrazide species to be extinct, swept away by civilization and surviving only in zoos.When the Republic returned to the ruins of Taris, explorers discovered Ferrazide Hounds in full possession of their abilities. Unfortunately these animals are fiercely attached to their territory. Although the ferrazides keep their distance from the main camps, they pose more and more problems for scouts and transport.
Varactyle-Taris" src="/images/posts/33afd13b5242004f827c0781082bb7e7-8.jpg">
Empire Only
Kill one "Varactyle rôdeur" (level 33 strong) in the water under the bridge.
Codex entry
Originating from the planet Utapau, where their use as a mount is widespread, varactyls have become a popular mode of non-mechanized transport throughout the galaxy. Thus, these repto-avian creatures thrive on many planets, in mounts as well as in their natural state.Hrosus the Quick, the most famous varactyl rider, achieved phenomenal speeds on his mounts, going so far as to beat a go-getter in a race. This famous speed makes varactyls formidable adversaries. Lovable and peaceful animals as long as they feel in good company, they will not hesitate to fiercely defend their territory to protect their nests from aggressors.
Tarsarian Cracker
Empire Only
Kill one "Tarsarian Devourer" (level 33)
Codex entry
The Tarsarian Crunchers is a mutation of a rakghoul virus that spread to the Tarsarian Stomper. Stompers, a species not native to the planet that once lived in the zoos of Taris, hunted and reproduced in the post-bombardment jungles. They were quickly decimated by their infected cousins.It didn't take long for the Tarsarian crunchers to conquer the top of the food chain in Taris. Although evolved species are not vulnerable to the mutated rakghoul virus, an encounter with the Tarsarian crunch seldom ends well.