Please note that this article contains the elements of the Sith warrior class history quest. It therefore contains revelations. Please go out if you don't want to know them.
Darth Baras is a powerful Sith, close to the Dark Council. He wants to get a new apprentice. An opportunity for his rivals to infiltrate his organization. Their choice falls on a young nobleman who arrived very recently at the Academy of Korriban, too recently to have forged links that would interfere with their plans. They could thus make it their obligatory, helping him to eliminate his rivals faster. Former slaves or whatever, whatever. But Darth Baras is not fooled, and the first task he entrusts to his new apprentice is to make the link with these dark patrons disappear. To eliminate it in the blood. And to prove her worth, you'll have to collect a lightsaber from an ancient tomb along with enslaved Twi'lek smuggler Vette.
Darth Baras has a few problems: several of his agents have been unmasked and eliminated. He's trying to find out why. While questioning a prisoner who has certain information, his apprentice takes care of some rivals and sources of trouble on Dromund Kaas. His role is very clear: he is the executor of his master, the one he sends to eliminate those who displease him. Baras has a large number of other apprentices, each covering a particular field. But it is this one that he will need the most soon. Its agents are targeted by Jedi Nomen Karr and his new padawan, able to see beyond certain lies. To neutralize them, the Sith is going to have to get rid of some of his own before they are too compromised. And it is his new apprentice who will take care of it.
Darth Baras has two agents on Balmora. The first, Lieutenant Malavai Quinn of the Imperial Army, has a more or less official post. So no one would try to unmask what is already known. The second, Commander Rylon, is a Republic officer seconded to the local resistance. He must be eliminated as quickly as possible, especially since Nomen Karr has sent another Jedi to clear the ground. It is also necessary to eliminate his son, aware of the true allegiance of his father and therefore likely to speak. As for Malavai Quinn, his efficiency in this business earned him a promotion to the rank of captain and an assignment with the apprentice to better support him.
On Nar Shaddaa, the situation is a little different. Agent Dellocon has taken refuge with a rival of Darth Baras. The Republic is not really on its heels, but the betrayal is much more serious. To a simple apprentice, a rival of his master can seem a terrible adversary. But the destruction of his network makes him as vulnerable as any other to a simple duel. And quickly, Darth Baras spotted a possible point of interception of Nomen Karr. A Republican space base to capture. But the Jedi doesn't come, settling for holo-communication. But it is thus warned that the agents of Darth Baras do not intend to let it go.
Darth Baras and his apprentice now go on the offensive. The Sith has discovered that Nomen Karr's padawan received some Tatooine training from Master Yonlach. He lives in the middle of the sea of dunes with his apprentice Yul-Li. Finding a home in the middle of the desert is not the easiest. And face behind two Jedi ... But Baras' latest apprentice is a master in lightsaber combat. Yul-Li prefers to give up and deliver the name of the padawan: Jaesa Willsaam. But Yonlack erases his memory before he reveals any more.
But the damage is already done. With a name, Darth Baras can learn a lot. Like the fact that the padawan is from Alderande. The apprentice is then sent there to investigate. Or rather to stand out in search of his relatives, causing a reaction from the young woman. This is not the one expected, since it requires a meeting. Actually a trap by Nomen Karr, who sends two Jedi into ambush. But in doing so, he falls into the trap of Darth Baras, who can trace his signal back to his base in Nal Hutta. But we must not kill him. The Jedi must be captured alive for his apprentice to see that he has fallen to the Dark Side. Ridiculing her Jedi teaching, and tilting her to the side of the Empire. Such a reversal would make this new apprentice a formidable assistant to the executor and his crew.
Darth Baras belongs to a faction that considers the Empire ready to resume open warfare against the Republic. He is even number two, behind his master Dark Vengean of the Dark Council. And he is responsible for preparing this resumption of hostility. For this, he launched Plan Zero, which consists of eliminating the main strategic brains of the High Command of the Republic. Four are gathered on Taris, the Martial Trust. Jaesa Willsaam's talents make it possible to iron out certain difficulties. And also the help of Lieutenant Pierce, an elite soldier who asks only to come back as close as possible to the fighting.
Another target attacked Darth Vengean's ship in Quesh's orbit. His subordinates come to suspect Dark Baras and his taste for intrigue. Whether it's one side or the other, no one seems to trust him. Can his apprentices themselves consider themselves safe from betrayal?
Plan Zero features one final target, a Jedi working with talzs on Hoth. But one of them, named Broonmark, has been banished from his clan and wants revenge. He then puts himself at the service of the executor of Baras to eliminate their common objectives. Plan Zero is a success, the Empire can declare a return to war. But Darth Baras is not done yet and wants to eliminate someone else. He sends his agent to find Lord Draahg, another apprentice he has infiltrated in Darth Vengean's entourage. Together, they can assassinate the member of the Dark Council. And so, their master can take his seat.
Darth Baras' executor did his job well. A little too much even for his master, who begins to fear a possible ambition. He attempts to have him assassinated on Quesh, while Lord Draahg would reprise his role. This is without counting on the Hand of the Emperor, Sith out of hierarchy close to the leader of the Empire in person. Darth Baras is now trying to usurp the authority of their master. And since the Fury, their executor, recently betrayed, they recruit to replace him. Their new agent is then sent to Belsavis, a republican prison attacked by the Empire and where Dark Baras seeks to free his sister Dark Ekkage, a former member of the Dark Council who has disappeared since the last war. The alliance of the two Sith would be too powerful, it must be prevented. Here, some associations no longer hold and collaborating with a Jedi may even be acceptable.
The Hand then sends the Fury to Hoth to redeploy some troops to Baras' rival, Darth Vowrawn. And if it is possible to eliminate Draahg at the same time, it is not a pleasure to sulk. Then direction Voss, to help the Emperor. Darth Baras masquerades as his Voice, a member of the Hand that shelters his spirit and transmits his will. The true Voice of the Emperor is a voss, trapped on his home planet by the Usurper's schemes. With his host in him. That it is only possible to liberate by killing the true Voice. It is still necessary to be able to find it on this neutral planet.
Darth Baras does not stand still, and another of his agents tries to kill the Fury: Malavai Quinn. Who will be spared to show him who to follow. Now head to Corellia. The Hand needs someone to break into the Dark Council, and their rival has decided to eliminate Darth Vowranw. He investigates a source of vision available to Darth Baras: the Entity, a Force ghost. But it is guarded by a cyborg who was once Lord Draahg, and who considers himself invincible. Darth Vowranw has enough material to present to his comrades on the Dark Council, who must decide between someone who claims to be the Emperor's Fury and one who claims to be his Voice. So they let it happen in a duel between the former master and apprentice.
The Emperor's Fury is an extension of his master's will. Independent of any hierarchy, no one has to judge their actions and choices. But he represents someone rather absent as he heals his wounds. So he is free to intervene wherever he wants, like on Illum or on Makeb. And to form alliances with whomever he wants, like Dark Marr of the Dark Council. But, given his past, is he really loyal to this Emperor? Or is it just a convenient affiliation for other ambitions?