A block of data has been found by villagers on the planet Rishi. In the messages it contains a prospector addresses his wife and tells her about his misadventures on Rishi at the same time as he sends her photos of his trip.
The prospector seems never to have returned home. If you feel like investigating his situation, we leave all the data contained in the block available here.
However, this strange disappearance does not seem to have discouraged certain "tourists". This was the case of a person from whom we were able to obtain some information. She would have met some local personalities there like Goro le rodien, natives of a village near the cove of the pirates. And let's not forget to also mention the stunning landscapes of beach, sun and sand of this tropical planet.
Obviously most of these encounters are not due to pure chance. Some of these contacts appear to be in certain protected files. To investigate the relationships between these different protagonists, I invite you to refer to the complete file.
And you, do you think these two events are linked?