On the occasion of the three months of the release of Operation Darvannis, we offer you a guide on all the bosses of this operation in hard mode. Today the Slayer!
Hard Mode: 2 Health Points

- Normal Mode
- Hard mode
Capacities in normal mode:
- Sniper: 3 enemies appear on the upper part of the arena. If those snipers aren't killed quickly enough, turrets will appear and decimate your party. It is impossible to jump on them to reach them.
- Pyromaniac Mercenary: This enemy walks towards a party member and unleashes a flaming area around it. This one is immune to damage.
- Roar: After expelling her target, the slayer deals area damage until the tank is nearby.
Abilities added for hard mode:
- Sniper: All 3 enemies are now immune to ranged damage thanks to a protection debuff. This can be removed if a player is nearby.
- Demolitionist: In addition to the 3 snipers, a 4th enemy appears.
- Red areas sometimes appear near the boss
Course of the fight
There are several techniques to overcome this boss, but here I will present the one we use in the STYX. It will certainly not please everyone, but it seems to us to be the simplest. First of all, we divide our group into 2 parts:
- Group 1: 1 Tank, 1 healer and 2/3 ranged damage classes
- Group 2: 1 Tank, 1 healer and 1/2 damage class (s) nearby

From this moment, group 1 stays above the boss and inflicts damage on him like a simple mannequin and the other group takes care of turning in the arena to kill the enemies by avoiding areas here and there. -the. Indeed more mercenaries, more flaming areas, more boss movements, more jumps on enemies, nothing more!
You will surely understand, with this technique, the fighting becomes disconcertingly simple. It will not take more than 1 or 2 attempts to assimilate it correctly.
- Token type headset
- 1 random piece out of set
- 1 Exotic Element Equalizer
- 6 ultimate distinctions
- 8 elite distinctions