Dabager on the forums discovered a new reputation on Nar Shaddaa, named Galactic Solutions Industries (GSI) after reference site Dulfy. The vendors and the mission center are on the upper promenade level.

When we enter the room, a new codex entry gives us more details:
The saleswoman (the NPC on the far left), Arnell Hyland (GSI Specialty Reputation Merchant), sells:
- 3 speeders (adaptable speed)

- two new outfits (adaptable, inherited): infiltration (friend) and tactical assault (champion)

- geoscanner GSI MD-03 (cybernetics plane 450): friend

- two research probes:
- GSI BD-22 research probe (25 credits)
- GSI CE-34 research probe (53 credits)

A very interesting thing concerns speeders: to get them, you have to find their spare parts thanks to research probes that can be bought on credit from sellers or created by cyberneticians.

These probes are used as to find the parts of HK, so it could be very, very long ... especially in the state, there is no indication on the places where one can find these parts. Currently, even while walking, the probe remains permanently gray regardless of the location.
The other three NPCs have the traders subtitle, but we can't talk to them at this time:
- Yogg-eeg, reputable omnipotent GSI merchant
- M-8R7, GSI Auto-Guard Reputation Merchant
- Keer Madeeg, reputable gunsmith dealer GSI
There is also a mission terminal, which also does not work:
Finally, there is a small room behind, with no potential merchants or terminals:

Dabager subsequently went on heroic missions (+2 and +4) to test but did not earn reputation points. Thank you to him for this discovery highlighted on our forums this morning!