As announced, Ranked PvP Season 4 will end in Update 3.2, and will shift directly to Season 5. Good news, the rewards are already known.
Small precision, as for the seasons before, is taken into account your best index, and not the index which you have at the end of the season.
Discover the rewards you can get, and the indexes you will need to achieve, with this simple image:
Alex Modny also provided some details on the official forum:
Perfect AlexModny sourceAs you noticed in the loot table above, we have made some changes to season 4. Our aim was to provide a better experience and we hope we have succeeded. Please do not hesitate to give us your feedback in response. Let's take a look at these changes:
- Black-Silver Warzone Crystals Box: This box works like the previous ones: two crystals (+41) for each stat. The notable difference is that this box will be available in all future seasons. One of the reasons for this is that some players in the previous season saw an easy reward and therefore jumped into Ranked head-first without necessarily seeing where it was taking them. Which caused some frustration in the solo queue. For this reason, the crystal box will be distributed only to ranked players of Rank 3 (Bronze).
- Minimum Rank Rank 3 (Bronze): A cap has been set for Rank 3, in order to discourage players from playing only what is needed in ranked to obtain a ranking, and therefore obtain Bronze rewards. The course might change in the future, but, based on what we saw in Season 3, it's a good start to begin with. If it is still too low to discourage, we will make some adjustments or take other action.
- Gold has what Silver has, Silver has what Bronze has: in other words, in Season 4 (and future seasons, unless the returns given are a game-changer), each rank also gives you access to rewards from previous ranks.
- The titles "Advanced Classes" of the top 96 are back!
Happy with all these changes?