The rakghouls are returning, and we're getting some new event-related achievements (which have been appearing in-game for some time now). Here is the list!
- You defeated 50/250/1000 rakghouls in the contaminated tunnels (title for the last achievement: "Rakghoul hunter")
- Killed 50/250/1000 infected creatures and humanoids in the contaminated tunnels
- Eliminate the mold-collecting rakghoul symbiotes in the rakghoul tunnels
- Obtained all combat achievements in the Infested Tunnels (title: "Cure Against Disease")
- You have defeated 500/1000/3000 non-player opponents in the tunnels
- You defeated 10/50/100 players in the Contaminated Tunnels
- You defeated 5/25/100 players with rakghoul disease
- You have obtained the achievements related to small rakghouls (title: "Lord of the rakghouls")
- You have recovered a real menagerie of infected animals
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Little Pale Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Little Purple Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Little Midnight Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Fungal Little Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Symbiotic Little Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Irradiated Little Rakghoul by your side
- Defeat the Tunnel Ranger with the Tainted Little Rakghoul by your side
- You have added the Kowakian Plaguetail Lizard Monkey to your collection
- You have added Plague Lylek to your collection
- You have added the plague horn reek to your collection
- You have added the Pestecroc sleen to your collection
And who knows, maybe there are some hidden successes too!