Your stay on Tatooïne will perhaps be the occasion to kill a new World Boss linked to the event in the Sea of Dunes area near the Sarlacc, Zama Brak a huge Rakghoul really not happy.
Where is he ?
Zama Brak is on Tatooïne in -1216 / 419 just northeast of the Sarlacc Pit in the Dune Sea and has a respawn time of 2h.
It is not directly present but appears when you click on the opening panel of the emergency capsule.
He then leaves the Sarlacc pit in a magnificent jump ...
and the fight can then begin.
Combat strategy
Zama Brak is like level 50 Urtagh and also has around 1,2 million health.
He regularly sends the tank in the air and makes beautiful black areas on the ground. It will therefore be necessary to move regularly. Despite everything, a group of 8 people can overcome it relatively easily, especially since if you are on a PVE server, there is no risk of being rotten. I put together a very nice group tonight on Mantle of The Force and we were 20 with small levels and it was a walk in the park. Thank you to all the participants of the raid who must have a new title to display now since we managed to chain the 3 World Bosses.
In addition to the level 124 rewards, you will be entitled to a new codex entry
Have a good raid!