It is because it is productive in its fortresses the Rhajaion because it is the fifth time that we have the pleasure to welcome it for an issue of Share Your Fortresses. It is on Mantle of the Force that we are going today to visit two of its fortresses, Dromund Kaas and Yavin, and as a bonus we will even have some photos of the update of its revanite base of Tatooine on Tomb. of Freedon Nadd. You can also find videos of each of the fortresses to visit them. Let's start with Dromund Kaas!
Manoir Czerka de Rhajaion
Made for Halloween and the Rakghouls, the fortress is a tribute to survival horror games (and a famous series in particular), full of little winks.
Czerka Corporation headquarters reception room: empty and silent, no signs of life detected.
Main corridor: first contact with an infected subject. Their speed is phenomenal but direct headshots seem to neutralize them.
Laboratory: The carcass of a Tuk'ata is rotting on a dissection table. The smell seems to stir the locked up raklings. Something is on the ground. [You collect ammunition x5]
Salle de la Plante 66: a large red plant stands in the center of the room. It seems to propagate its lianas on the walls and ceilings. A note is on a computer in the room:
"The injection of the Rakghoul virus, associated with Sith Alchemy has increased tenfold the power of the plant 66. In case of aggression against it, it is able to teleport within a radius of 60 meters and deploy a barrier Indestructible Force. Its offensive potential translates into its ability to instantly spread toxins to any target within 30 yards. Adding to that its ability to regenerate after any damage suffered, we believe Plant 66 is now functioning as we are. planned it. - Prof. Tairic Muscon "

Cemetery: infected people roam around the tombstones. A metal plaque is on the large statue at the back of the room. It is written there: "Here lie the unfortunate people who stole the Ravager's treasure, banished for eternity."

Balcony: a shiny object in the fountain catches my attention. [You get key to the conference room]
Conference Room: A huge creature has destroyed the security droids. I prefer to avoid it discreetly.
The Infected have invaded this room. They try to enter the room where the survivors have taken refuge.
Director's room: nothing to report. [You collect medicinal green plant x1]
Carbonite prison: several prisoners are hung on the walls. A terminal indicates that the Czerka intended to use them for experiments. Various information reveals the crimes committed by these prisoners: one of them was convicted for having marketed defective slot machines on Nar Shaddaa, another for having erroneously sent the Nexus of Giradda to the wrong customers. Others are locked up for fraud in arena matches.

Room of the Survivors: I joined the last survivors. Khriss and Jyll are on their way with transport to evacuate us. All that's left to do is hold on until they arrive. Screams are heard from across the room ... They are coming ...
Battle on Yavin IV
I separated my Yavin fortress into 2 parts, thanks to the bridge. On the one hand, the Republic / Empire Coalition and their Mandalorian allies, on the other the Revanites, their Walkers and their Pirate allies. The Revanites retreated behind their barricade to counter the Coalition's assault ...
For the Coalition flag, I used the House of Alde flag, as the yellow / blue colors came closest (the new red / black Alliance flag is too similar to the Revanite flag). The Coalition area includes a common command room, respective quarters for the Republic, Empire and Mandalorians, a rudimentary medical center. The Revanite zone notably contains a command room, a research center, and plenty of Walkers, droids and soldiers!
We start with the Coalition:

And now the Revanites:

Bonus: Update of the Revanite Fortress
Rhajaion had presented his revanite fortress to us on the occasion of a previous PVF that I invite you to reread, here are some photos of its update.
To see the update
Revan came back during the five years we spent in carbonite! He rebuilt his fortress on Tatooine, handed Vette an electric collar to make her his personal slave dancer, and he finally built a real gate for his enclosure in Rancor.

What I took away from this visit: let's go in order, the general atmosphere of the Czerka mansion is superb, I have a weakness for the carbonite prison and the corridor of this fortress I must say. Side Yavin IV, the idea of making a battlefield is very interesting, even if the fortresses remain too small for that and do not allow to make many parts. I really like the research center with the libraries. Finally Tatooine, nice update, with walkers and Titan 6 waiting to be deployed! My favorite: the rancor enclosure and its "door".
If you wish to visit these fortresses, you will find them on the Mantle of the Force public list for Dromund Kaas and Yavin IV, and on the public list of Tomb of Freedon Nadd for the Tatooine Fortress.
See you soon for the next PVF, you can contact us if you also want to share your fortresses or your guild ship.