Welcome to a new episode of Share Your Fortresses! Head to Mantle Of The Force today, where we're going to visit the Fortress of Nahmroth, Imperial and Republican player, member of the Katuor Guild and quite PvP-focused lately!
He chose to show us his fortress of Nar Shaddaa!
For a first contact of the most attractive, it is Jaesa who receives us in a commercial entrance, with the hope of Nahmroth to see one day the possibility of putting the partners as sellers of our crafts, in the manner of the old Star Wars Galaxies. While the entrance lets us admire several sculptures.
This then leads to a corridor with a replica of an imperial hunter. The whole fortress is resolutely under the sign of the empire, as evidenced by the banners or the guards visible here and there. The corridor gives access to 4 small rooms:
A medical room, with its own diagnostic scan and treatment device, and large tanks so that everyone, after a combat session facing the enemy, can heal themselves properly, even wookies!
The master bedroom then, decorated with pomp! It is equipped with a cosmetic surgery station ... in case of a hard blow after a fight!
Then comes the room for trading, planning or even the contemplation of trophies.
And finally the 'little piece of Tatooine' of Nahmroth: the workshop, with the jawas who help him to put some order in this room! Unless it is a mess?
The corridor also opens onto a fifth, larger room. The nerve center of the fortress, where we spend most of the time. Where you can access the market, the personal hold, the heritage hold and the post office box without moving, or almost.
A jukebox also allows you to play a little music during long sessions of spying the market to find good deals! Two soberly decorated staircases then lead to the balcony, and to the throne room.
The balcony is the ideal place to have a drink, chat with your friends, or simply admire the landscape to relax between two fights, to consume a pleasure that quickly goes up in smoke!
The throne room is more festive than those we have seen now, the leader of the place seeming closer to his guests, less cold!
One can move on to the private casino after that. Everything you need to play, but without forgetting a rule: the bank always wins in the end!
Finally, comes the garage, with the player's favorite mounts! Or those with which the clients of the casino came! Your choice depending on the point of view!
From the hangar, you can also see the ship on the nearby hook, ready to take off!
If you want to discover more, this fortress is available as a public listing: the Sith Academy of Nahmroth.
What I took away from this visit: The hunter enthroned in the entrance, directly setting the tone! I also appreciated the access to the various utilities without taking more than one step! Very practical I find. We can also see a beautiful collection of speeder and a sympathetically singular throne room, which made me think of the Viking rooms of the films, or the festival of Rohirrims in the Return of the King!
Special mention: the workshop bazaar! Seriously, who can claim to have a workshop that is always super tidy? I do not know of a workshop where it is not the mess for me!
Have a good weekend everyone and see you in a week for the next PVF! Do not hesitate to contact us if you also wish to share your fortress.