Some time ago, in a previous Share Your Fortresses, we visited the Keibatsu guild ship on Mantle of the Force! Today we are not going to go very far from this vessel, since we are going to visit the Coruscanti fortress of one of its members and decorators: MacBart. So let's go for the head office of his company: the MACBART ™!
What do we all have in common?
Whether you are a Jedi, Sith, smuggler, slave or partner of a hero?
Yes you have found, crystals are important to everyone, which is why MACBART ™, a fireworks company, makes a point of providing you with only quality material whatever your needs in this field. Our craftsmanship ranges from Crystals infused via the Force or blood, whether you are Sith or Jedi, with perfect resonance during your communions with the Force. But also gems without flaw or shine with a solidity foolproof (test certificate of the rancor provided) for those of you who are not sensitive to the Force.
We create your jewels in 4 different statistics according to your wishes. Our catalog offers you a panel of about fifteen colors. Do not hesitate to associate style with power. What could be better than your beloved's favorite color to melt (or pierce your heart)?
Do you dare to optimize? MACBART ™
Bosses hurt? Change the trend! MACBART ™
Are the mottos of our company which was created in November 2011 in the chronology of your planet, the "EARTH".
But let's move on, for your pleasure, but also ours, to visit our premises, where the magic happens.
At the reception, our protocol droid C2N2 will be able to direct you through our facilities whatever your origins, races or languages:
From the waiting room we provide you with various services to make your stay with us as pleasant as possible, while we prepare your order:
A cantina to refresh you from your long trip
The Research and Development office for the specifics of your crystal, part of the room is hidden for reasons of confidentiality (yes, competition is lurking).
Finally, on this floor, the last room is used for the commercial and advertising part of our activity.
Head upstairs, take advantage of our samples for a first-class color rendering
A large part of this level is devoted to the free MACBART ™ service:
Our valet service with bodyguards.
Or the secure delivery service, with elite battle droids (sponsored by the Republic Chaos Squad) with armored vehicle and secure route on the same protocols as some government agencies.
Finally and exclusively for Games Managers, we reveal the staff quarters to you because we believe that happy staff is more efficient.
Our staff have a private common room
But also neighborhoods for each gender
- Man Quarter
- Woman quarter
- And finally alien district
Hoping, dear customer, to see you soon in our premises because we are sure: the crystal you are missing is with us!
What I took away from this visit : The first thing that struck me was the office in the middle of the hallway: ideal for redirecting people to the right place! So I have a weakness for this corridor, but also for the sales room in the converted hangar! I also appreciated the layout of the men's room, and the briefing room where the chairs ... were not very tidy by their last occupants!
You can find this fortress in public list on Mantle of the Force: Temple of Trade of MacBart.
If you too would like to share your stronghold (s) with us, whether personal or guild, do not hesitate to contact us.