A slightly special issue of Share Your Fortresses today, since we are going to head to a rather special amusement park! Head to the Battle Meditation server to visit the fortress of Rhajaion, to whom I leave the floor!
Welcome to Kraytrassic Park !
We are in 3640 BBY and the Park is open. It is full of animal species from all over the Galaxy. Prepare for an extraordinary experience. I spent lavishly, hohoho!
The Raptors have their own paddocks ... because they're smart kids.
Come visit the polar animals in their icy habitat! (Compliant with Galactic Animal Welfare Regulations).
In addition to the visit to the Park, multiple activities await you:
- The show "Dance with the Rancors" by the famous choreographer Bith, Firin Kore.
- Sip a correlien whiskey and relax at the Pso'minou bar.
- Taste the Gastronomy of the Outer Rim, in the open-air restaurant of the Dragon Krayt. Dewback stew, Varactyle thighs and Baa'tisstha stuffed Bonnay are our specialties.
- Enjoy a Rishien massage in our Spa.
- The Casino du Rancor Rose, try your luck and be the first to win our dreadful ... er I mean our magnificent Walker mount!
- Spend crazy evenings in the Pandemoniul club ...
- ... And end the night in a luxurious suite!
The Kraytrassic Park is waiting for you ... (epic orchestral music in the background)
Ad of the Park Management:
In order to continually bring you a unique experience, we are constantly looking for new residents.
We would like to purchase the following specimens at a generous price:
- the Savannah Pso'minou (scientific name Psocatus jokerus)
- Kygonasaurus lone sp.
These species are not on Coruscant's protected list, so bounty hunters and other mercenaries wanting to capture them are allowed to hit them hard!
Good hunt.
PS: Any resemblance to movies with lots of big critters or existing people is completely coincidental.
I take this opportunity to advertise my old Dark Knights guild on Battle Meditation which has a nice forum and a great video: there.
And also a big slobbery kiss to the Arcanum of Darth Nihilus
What I took away from this fortress: Office partitions are not easy to handle, yet you have managed to place them well to form enclosures, and what enclosures! A huge variety of animals, and additional pieces perfectly chosen to transform your fortress into Kraytrassic Park. I particularly liked the hangar that you managed to transform into a gigantic enclosure yet subdivided into several parts, without giving the impression of empty places in places! Little extra outside the fortress: the text. I loved it, especially knowing a good part of the people absolutely not mentioned in it since any resemblance would be fortuitous?
If you liked this fortress, don't hesitate to go for a walk yourself!
Would you like to introduce us to your fortress or that of your guild? Do not hesitate any longer, contact us!