A little guide from Norec taken from the PTS to recruit Bowdaar
Disclaimer: Although this plot is unrelated to the main story, it isthe following can be considered spoiler. If you don't want to know anything, don't read on.
Following the producer's last livestream we now know that the Eternal Tournament as well as Bowdaar will be available in 4.4 scheduled for May.
I offer here a small guide to the Alliance Alert allowing you to recruit Bowdaar.
At first to have access to this alliance it will be enough to have done the first 9 chapters of "Knight of the Fallen Empire" as well as the recruitment mission of Yuun (which unlocks the big part of the recruitment missions).
Once this is done you will receive an alert from Hylo Visz who will send you to meet a wookie who owns Zakuul's cantina. For more simplicity you can use the button "See the contact"
Once there you discover that the wookie in question is none other than Bowdaar who is now working to free the slaves who work in the Zakuul arena:
After this discussion Bowdaar will appear in your alliance window as a recruit (therefore not summoned) and you will have to increase his influence up to 10 by participating in the Eternal Tournaments.

For each completed fight you will gain influence with Bowdaar, so you don't have to finish the 10 fights to unlock Bowdaar, but you can for example redo the first 3 or 4 several times if the rest seems too difficult.
It should be noted that if you pass all 10 rounds in a single pass in the arena you will gain enough influence with Bowdaar to reach level 11!
Return to Bowdaar once you've reached 10 influence.
Following this discussion you will have to train in the arena with Bowdaar against some not very tough droids then will have the right to a tournament fight exclusive to this mission.
This fight is very similar to the 1st fight of the traditional Eternal Tournament in simpler form.
You have 3 fighters in front of you:
- Calo Arawan: A melee fighter
- Kordath: A healer
- Veran Anjek: A distance fighter
The healer will fall very quickly (standard monster) then finish the other 2 in any order ("strong" monsters)
After that go back to talk to Bowdaar in the cantina, then finalize the alert by going back to talk to Hylo Visz.
And that's how Bowdaar joined the Alliance.
Many thanks to Norec for this guide! Layout by Aldorn Rijiera