In this new issue of Word to the community, we welcome Eqves proteriuS.
What is the history of your guild and why this name?
We are a republican guild founded in January 2012 on the Kissaï Caste server then migrated to Mantle of the Force. The guild's name comes from a confusion. Initially, the guild was called Eques Lucis (Knight of the Light in Latin). Too many players have become inactive. So we wanted to recreate the guild with active members. When it came to creating the name, we discussed it among officers. I had the idea to be called "The Praetorians" or something like that. And the officer who created the guild made a tapas mix, mixing Eqves and Praetorian, who became Proterius for reasons of advanced Latin dyslexia.
What are your orientations, your activities in the game or on other games?
The activities are numerous, the most important being the ground at the end of the trash packs. Lots of PVEs, mainly, but we have fans of Ranked PVP, which many must have encountered on Mantle, and GS.
How are you organized at the guild level? Are you recruiting members?
Organized is a good word. We have a hothead guild, Eqves Alpha, bringing together the players most prepared for the nightmare. And the mother guild, the ProteriuS Eqves who leave on the HM doing well. 2 rosters of very good quality (that of repairs in particular). The officers are common to the 2 rosters / guilds, with staggered outings, a forum http://eqvesproterius.taguilde.net, a facebook page, a Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCslVG4JxBbzqgKFC6ze0ZXA. We are recruiting yes, especially seasoned DPS for the HM / Nightmare in the 2 rosters. WE WANT YOU!
What is your opinion on the content of the game?
Obviously, very well, we are addicts. We just regret that they didn't do a warlock class ... and still no flying mount dragons. What are they waiting for? Ah, they also need to stop offering ugly dyes, because we have members of our guild equipping them. It's an infamous visual assault.
An anecdote about the guild and a little word to finish?
Ah there are too many… we have so many anecdotes… I would even say that we are a very anecdotal guild.
Thanks to Eqves proteriuS for lending themselves to the game, and see you next week for a new presentation.