The final patch notes for 3.2.1 have been released, in spanish! Before appreciating the details, remember that the update will take place this Wednesday, May 27 from 9:30 am to 17:30 pm, which gives you plenty of time to read the changes that will be deployed today!
The nights of Nar Shaddaa are finally back! Visit Nar Shaddaa between June 9, 2015 at 14:25 p.m. and August 2015, 14 at XNUMX:XNUMX p.m. PST to try your luck on the One-armed Smuggler and One-armed Big Hat slots to win unique rewards!
- Right-clicking on the uses selected before a reset no longer displays an incorrect number of available use points.
- Tooltips for the Outfit Designer dye mod now display correctly in German clients.
- Fixed the typo in the title awarded to the best 96 players in Season 4.
- Emergency Pass and Fast Travel reuse times for Privilege players now match those for Subscribers, as intended.
- Changing the dye in an outfit slot now resets the color unification setting for that slot.
- Clarified the Outfit Designer color unification tool by adding error messages when a player tries to use "Unify Colors" when they do not have a torso slot stamp.
- The names of the plans in the confection interface are now shifted to the next line if they are too long.
- The successes achieved during the Nights of Nar Shaddaa which had disappeared have been restored thanks to the extreme benevolence of the Czerka Corporation. Czerka Corp. : Where you want, when you want ... you find us. This release note was funded by the Committee for Undisputed Control of Czerka Corp., a subsidiary of Czerka Corporation.
Cartel market
- The "Buy for Account" button is now usable for the Rest and Reload item "Celebration Incident".
- Esstran Exports' Bravery and Fearless Lightsabers now have a hilt slot, as intended.
- Privilege accounts can once again unlock a third Crew Skill in the Cartel Market.
- Privilege accounts can once again unlock up to six Quick Access Bars in the Cartel Market.
- All Underworld Instigator armor set item names now display correctly in spanish and German clients.
- The Underworld Instigator Complementary Crate can only drop a maximum of two items, and no helmet. Additionally, the Underworld Instigator's Helmet no longer appears as part of the set in Collections.
- The Underworld Instigator armor set is now searchable in the Galactic Exchange Network.
- Satele Shan's Double Saber now features the correct visual effects on both blades.
- The Uxibest Expedition Mount decoration can now be placed on a Medium Hook in your Fortress.
- The Rodien citizen decoration (man) plays an animation each time when he is standing. Her belt has been changed so that it no longer clashes with her hands.
- Ubrikkien Hunter, Watcher Rendili, and Reconnaissance Longspur can now be placed on small hooks in Strongholds.
- The WGF Vectron Veteran vehicle can now be properly used as decoration.
- Fixed clipping issues with the Dark Legionnaire's Bust Protection.
- Fixed clipping issues with the B-200 cybernetic cases.
Classes + Combat
Resolution system
- Players with a full resolution gauge will now suffer a 50% slowing effect instead of any effect that should have immobilized them. This slowing effect will have the same duration and conditions as the initial immobilize effect. For example, if the immobilize effect can be interrupted by damage, so can the slowing effect. Root effects still don't generate a resolution, they just act differently on a player whose resolution gauge is full. These changes only apply to PvP combat.
- Jedi knight
- Jedi Consular
- Smuggler
- New use: Ardor. Transcendence no longer requires or consumes Centering, but has a 30 second cooldown when activated.
- Jedi Promulgator is now Heroic Use.
- The use of defensive forms has been removed.
- New use: Stoicism. Stoicism increases your damage reduction by 2% and grants 2 Centers on attack. This gain in centering units cannot occur more than once every 1,5 seconds.
- Defensive Asset now increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%.
- Declining Force now increases your movement speed by 15%.
- Aegis use of Force has been removed.
- Toughness now increases the duration of Force Keeps Us by 2 seconds.
- Cautery now deals its elemental damage for 6 seconds (down from 12 seconds), and Force Casting burns your targets and deals elemental damage over 15 seconds (down from 18 seconds).
- Force Cast now costs only 2 Focus units (down from 3), and damage dealt has been reduced slightly.
- Plasma Slide Concentration regeneration internal cooldown has been reduced to 1 second (from 4 seconds).
- Concentration of Searing Concentration internal cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds (from 4 seconds previously).
- Victory Acceleration can now stack up to 2 times (up from 3 times).
- Ruthless zeal has been reworked: burns due to your cauterization techniques, saber overload, and Force smelting will heal you for 15% of the damage they deal.
- Scorching Sweep has been reworked: Force Sweep's cooldown is reduced by 9 seconds, and its Focus unit cost is reduced by 1. In addition, Force Sweep deals 30% more damage and propagates burn effects due to cauterization and Force melting techniques to enemies it hits, if any of them are affected by these burns.
- Critical bonuses from the Master of Arms and Challenger sets can now be triggered by throwing Twin Swords.
- Updated spanish and German tooltips for persistent use.
- Force armor now absorbs as much damage as the wizard's static barrier.
Kinetic combat
- Cascading Debris can now be channeled on the move.
- Clash Reset now correctly knocks back targets hit by the last shots of Double and Piercing shots.
- Sith warrior
- Sith Inquisitor
- Imperial Agent
- Relentless is now a use of mastery.
- Camouflage of Annihilation is now Heroic Use.
- Predation no longer requires or consumes Fury, but has a 30 second cooldown when activated.
- The use of defensive forms has been removed.
- New use: Impudence. Recklessness increases your damage reduction by 2% and grants 2 Fury on attack. This gain of fury units cannot occur more than once every 1,5 seconds.
- Defensive Asset now increases internal and elemental damage reduction by 5%.
- Ghost now increases your movement speed by 15%.
- Eternity now increases the duration of Eternal Rage by 2 seconds.
- Rupture now deals elemental damage for 6 seconds (down from 12 seconds), and Force Tear burns your targets and deals elemental damage over 15 seconds (down from 18 seconds).
- Force Rip now costs only 2 rage units (up from 3), and damage dealt has been reduced slightly.
- Bleeding Rage regeneration internal cooldown has been reduced to 1 second (from 4 seconds).
- Bloodlust Rage regeneration internal cooldown has been reduced to 3 seconds (from 4 seconds).
- Sudden Death can now be stacked up to 2 times (up from 3 previously).
- Hunger has been overhauled: Bleeds from your Break, Death Saber, and Force Tear heal you for 15% of the damage they deal.
- Hemorrhagic Shock has been reworked: Shock's cooldown is reduced by 9 seconds, and its rage cost is reduced by 1. In addition, Shock deals 30% more damage and spreads bleeding effects from blasting abilities. Breaking and Breaking Force to enemies it hits, if any of them are hit by this bleed.
- The critical bonuses of the weapon master and challenger sets can now be triggered by the double saber throw.
- Updated spanish and German tooltips for invulnerability use.
- Static Barrier now absorbs more damage.
- Predatory volts can now be funneled while moving.
Tireur d'izard
- Reestablishment Range now properly knocks back targets hit by the last rounds of Shots and Penetrating Shots.
Flashpoints + Operations
The pests
- When encountering Torque, Consoles are no longer valid targets for AoE healing powers, such as Wandering Grind and Kolto Cloud.
- Torque's ground-vented power visual effects will last for the duration of the power. Additionally, an indicator has been added to help differentiate the effects of ground air ducts from those of the player.
Lair of infamous thugs
- Reduced damage dealt while confronting Olok the Shadow on all difficulty settings.
Colossal monolith
- After channeling "Break the Rift", the Colossal Monolith is the Charged Rift target, increasing the damage it deals.
- After channeling "Break the Rift", the Colossal Monolith continues to use all of its powers, in addition to "Total Destruction".
Battle of Rishi
Hard mode
- Commander Mokan again has a chance to drop the ST-7 Command Walker as loot.
Objects + Economy
- Set bonuses for all War Medicine and Bodyguard sets now work correctly.
- Unlocking a Fortress decoration now displays the correct text regarding prestige points in spanish and German.
- Now, Advanced Pain Medication Packs cannot be used more than once per encounter.
- The People's Holoterminal Decoration is no longer associated with a rarity in the Cartel Market, as it is not obtained through the Cartel Market.
- People's holoterminal decoration now grants the correct decoration.
- The name of Baron Mark Demort's raging walker from Season 3 now appears correctly in spanish and German clients.
- The names of Season 4 decorations now appear correctly in spanish and German clients.
- Tooltips for many Relics have been updated with the correct values in spanish and German.
- Baron Mark Demort's star Matamore now has the correct animation when used.
- Updated Baron Mark Demort's Matamore star icon to differentiate it from other stars.
- Black-Silver Striped Ranked War Zone Crystals are no longer mistakenly added to Collections.
- The prices charged by the Planet-based Commendation Vendors now match those of the Fleet Commendation Vendors.
- The white acute module is now linked to Heritage.
Missions + NPCs
- It is no longer possible to fall across the world trying to reach the Revanite altar for the "Life and Death" mission.
- Lana Beniko no longer uses "Resurgence" against Revan when they encounter them during the mission "The Enemy Within".
- Missions on the planet Makeb that awarded 3 basic distinctions now reward 12.
- One of the treasure stacks at the end of the mission "A Trail of Light" has been extracted from the rock face.
- Several missions on Ziost have been fixed:
- Players who do not complete the "From Home" mission can no longer access the tampered with Walkhar auspice.
- Players will no longer receive a movement speed bonus when using the tampered with Walkhar auspices from the "From Home" mission.
- Civilians rescued during the "Temporary Residence" mission will now be correctly counted.
- It is no longer possible to scan defense turrets through a wrecked ship during the "Impotence" mission.
- The recording of scanned data is now shared by all members of the group during the daily mission "The Death of a World".