The weekly update takes place tomorrow, installing the 3.0.2 update, and here is its patch-notes.
Long forgotten Sith spirits have awakened on Yavin 4. This convergence of dark side energies could rekindle a powerful ancestral threat in the already dangerous jungles of this moon ...
New destinations for guild flagships! Rishi and Yavin 4 are now among the destinations accessible to guild flagships. Orbital support for flagships and transport is now available for these locations.
New conquest event! "Revenge of the Revanites" has been added to the list of conquests.
Improved weekly reward! You will now receive Partner Outfit Boxes for completing the mission "[WEEKLY] Spirit of Cooperation". Each box contains a full 192 index armor set for the partner listed.
- It is no longer possible to complete the weekly mission or loot the final Ravager boss without completing the operation.
- Changes to address current performance issues, including general and interface issues.
- The Third Anniversary Merchants returned to their daily duties and left both fleets.
- The third anniversary promotional offer for the fortresses of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas has expired and the fortresses have returned to their normal retail price.
- The skar'kla pet can no longer be used at the same time as other pets.
- Players who have access to the Shadow of Revan expansion and have not yet received their welcome message and Idol Rishii decoration will receive them soon.
- The History of the Galaxy codex entries obtained during the discovery of the Rishi Datacrons now display the correct text.
- The "Yavin 4" codex entry is now automatically assigned with the "The Coalition" historical codex entry during the Confederation mission.
- The descriptions of the "Imperial Fire" and "Torch of the Republic" achievements have been changed for clarity. They now display: "Complete the mission" The Torch Flame "using a Republic character." and "Complete the mission" The Torch Flame "using an Imperial character." The objectives of these successes remain the same.
- The "Defeat Torch" achievement can now be obtained by defeating Torch in the "Blood Hunt" Flashpoint.
- Achievement update for "Raclée Révanite!", "Déculottée Révanite!" and "Confrontation Révanite!" in order to only validate enemies that players must defeat in the "Battle of Rishi" Flashpoint.
- Updated the description of Ultimate Honors to better describe where they can be obtained.
- Updated the description of Elite Honors to better describe where they can be obtained.
- Fixed Orgus Din voice actor name in Shadow of Revan credits.
- Map icons displayed during the mission "Heart of the Aggressor" will now disappear after completing tasks.
Cartel market
- The new Acolyte Shadow Pack is now available in the Cartel Market!
- Revan's Rebirth Breastplate Cloak no longer stretches like it did in some cases.
Classes + Combat
Jedi knight
- Visionary and Blade Pivot are now automatically granted when you become a Guardian. You don't need to learn them anymore.
- The Protective Slit tooltip now indicates that the Guardian must be in Soresu Form for the Protective Slit to activate the retaliation.
- Cleansing Camouflage will now cause Force Camouflage to correctly negate all dispellable effects while active.
- The Shii-Cho mastery icon has been changed to differentiate it from that of Decisive Slits.
- The icon of the dam blows has been changed to differentiate it from that of cauterization.
Sith warrior
- The Invective's tooltip makes it clear that it reduces the cooldown of Retaliation to 3 seconds when Saber Return is used in Soresu Form.
- The Crushing Blow's tooltip makes it clear that the Ravager must be in Soresu form for the Crushing Blow to activate retaliation.
Jedi Consular
- Fixed inaccuracies in the upset tooltip. It now clearly indicates that the latter has a 50% chance to activate a second projection and that it increases the damage dealt by 5%.
- Cascading Force now increases the range of Mind Crush by 5 yards.
- Changed the description of the Force Tide tooltip to make it clear that the Telekinetic Wave consumes 50% less Force.
Sith Inquisitor
- Changed the description of the Lightning Storm tooltip to make it clear that successive lightnings consume 50% less Force.
- Fixed the Lightning Bolt tooltip incorrectly indicating that this power has a cooldown.
- Fixed an issue where several Smuggler's powers would shoot at the ground between the feet of some non-humanoid targets instead of shooting the target.
- Fixed the description of the dry shot tooltip to add the vicious shot.
- The diversion now correctly displays the Republic Emblem in the target area while the effect is active, instead of the Empire Emblem.
Unfair Fight
- Fixed a typo in the foul fire tooltip.
Flashpoints + Operations
- The drops dropped by bonus bosses in the following Flashpoints on Hard difficulty have been increased to better reflect their difficulty:
- The legacy of the Rakatas
- Manaan Depths
- Assault on Tython
- Foray into Korriban
- The distinctions offered as rewards in the following Flashpoints on Hard difficulty have been changed to coincide with the new level 60 content. Additionally, bosses grant Basic Honors instead of Elite Honors and Elite Honors to the place of ultimate distinctions.
- Martel station
- Athiss
- Mandalorian Raiders
- Cademimu
- Laboratoires Czerka
- Czerka Core Fusion
- The accolades earned in the following Hard Mode Flashpoints have been changed from Basic to Elite:
- Assault on Tython
- Foray into Korriban
- Manaan Depths
- The legacy of the Rakatas
- The distinctions offered as rewards in the following operations have been changed to coincide with the new level 60 content. Additionally, clashes yield Basic Honors in place of Elite Honors and Elite Honors in place of Honors. ultimate.
- Lair of Infamous Thugs (Story Mode, Hard Mode, Nightmare Mode)
- Nightmare from elsewhere (story mode, hard mode, nightmare mode)
- Toborro Court (story mode, hard mode)
- The Dread Fortress (story mode, hard mode)
- The Dread Palace (story mode, hard mode)
- The group finder options have been changed:
- The Flashpoint Hard Mode (Level 50) category is now called Flashlight Hard Mode (Classic).
- Players can now join the Flashpoint Queue in Hard Mode from level 55 to level 60 through the Flashpoint Hard Mode (Classic) category.
- Players can join the Level 55 to Level 60 Tactical Hotspot waitlist through the Tactical Hotspot category.
- Added Yavin 4 (daily) to planetary destinations at level 60.
- The Group Finder mission rewards have been changed to include the new content:
- Story and Tactical Flashpoints now grant basic distinctions.
- Flashpoints on Hard Difficulty now grant Elite Distinctions.
- Operations now grant Ultimate Honors.
- The Black Talon and Esseles have been moved to the Tactical Flashpoints category and now work with party search again.
The pests
- The clash with Quartermaster Bulo in 16 player story mode has been rebalanced:
- Reduced barrel throwing damage.
- Damage reduction of barrage and mass barrage.
- Reduced damage inflicted by freight elevators.
- Freight lifts are less likely to all target the same person.
- Freight lifts aim at a random target instead of aiming at the nearest player.
- Freight lifts avoid targeting the same person several times.
- Drunk Pirates no longer get multiple "barrel transport" buffs during the encounter with Quartermaster Bulo.
- The dangerous incendiary device no longer spawns before encountering Torque.
- The duration of Torque's "magnetic clamps" now coincides with the displayed duration.
- Torque's laser-shot droids now attempt to attack Repair Droids continuously.
- Torque's "huge key hit" no longer has the visual effects of a lightsaber.
- Repair Droids no longer dodge secondary gear when taking damage while encountering Torque on Hard difficulty.
- Both droid distribution panels go dark after Torque is defeated.
- Addressed an issue where the Ion Pulse Wave would not hit all targets in its visual area of effect during clash with Boss Droid BO-55.
- Players defeated in the encounter with Coratanni will be automatically revived at the end of the encounter.
Temple of sacrifice
- All defeated Operation members are revived when a player reaches the Machine Core level while facing Revan in story mode.
- Players who fall into the pit under the machine platforms after the clash with Revan is over will no longer be blocked.
- Unstable Aberrations now pierce Ballistic Immunity effects when encountering Revan on Hard difficulty.
- The sub-ranger now correctly uses his rampage power during the encounter.
- The Sword Squad clash in story mode has been rebalanced:
- 8 and 16 players:
- Reduced the damage of the not-so-huge grenade.
- Instant fire damage reduction.
- Reduced the damage of the explosion missile on the ground.
- 16 players only:
- Slightly reduced the overall damage of both walkers.
Dread Palace
- The healing challenge can now be completed while encountering Dreadmaster Raptus in Nightmare Mode.
Dread Fortress
- Addressed an issue where Energy Spheres would incorrectly prioritize targets during clash with Dreadmaster Brontes.
Assault on Tython
- Absorbing shields from Imperial Operators are now correctly removed in all cases while encountering Major Imos / Major Travik on Hard difficulty.
Battle of Rishi
- The AL-5 Assault Droid will no longer stop if a player uses stealth or animosity-lessening powers while the droid is channeling its laser during clash with Rarrok and Marko Ka.
- Addressed an issue where NPCs who were pushed off a cliff / platform would not die as intended.
Bloody hunt
- Kyramla Gemas'rugam, the jungle wampa, now properly resets when outside of the desired combat zone.
- Mandalorian Hunters that spawn during the Jungle Wampa encounter now attack players as intended.
- The gate to the Tracyn Island arena closes correctly when Jos and Valk Beroya fight. Jos and Valk no longer target players who are dead and have returned to the arena entrance.
- From now on; Valk Beroya correctly uses his power of aligned fire when the conditions of combat are right.
- Players are now revived at the correct checkpoint after falling from the arena platform.
- Dralne Be Te Oya'karir properly resets if he tries to leave the intended combat zone.
- Shae Vizla has had his eyesight checked and now recognizes Mandalorian Bounty Hunters in the Bloody Hunt Flashpoint.
Manaan Depths
- Foreman M2-AUX now drops loot on hard mode.
- The exit tag now clearly reads "Exit to Manaan" (instead of "Exit to the Fleet") in the single player version of the Flashpoint.
- In single player mode, Battle Droid GSI has learned not to attack Sairisi while the latter's riot shield is active.
Objects + Economy
- Jawa salvage merchants have, after much negotiation, made deals with local smugglers to bypass the embargo and now sell Tier 11 crafting materials.
- The tooltips for the stimpacks have been updated to indicate that they are 8 hours long.
- The price of the new decorations for Rishi and Yavin 4 available from merchants has been changed to be greater than zero credits.
- Yavin's rectifier armor pieces and Sight Type 1 Boots have been adapted to body type 4, and boots no longer hover next to the character's foot.
- The objects below have been duplicated. One of the doubles has been transformed into a secondary hand version and its name has been changed to include "secondary":
- The Devout Allies Assault Blaster Pistol is now the Devout Allies Secondary Assault Blaster Pistol.
- Dedicated Allies' Assault Lightsaber is now the Sub-Assault Lightsaber for Dedicated Allies.
- The missions "Welcome to Rishi" and "Uncertain Fates" offer the right rifle to the Vanguard.
- The "Holographic Sign: Rishi's Flying Dancer" decoration is no longer mistakenly referred to as a Cartel Market item.
- Updated the description of Rishi's Outlaw Scout and Concordian Scout Apparatus.
- The improvements to the following Mission Reward items have been updated for consistency:
- Raider's Cove Rampart Lightsaber
- Alliance Bulwark Lightsaber
- Sky Ridge Bulwark Lightsaber
- Alliance Bulwark Shield
- Raider's Cove Rampart Shield
- Sky Ridge Bulwark Shield
- Addressed several issues with the following objects:
- Alliance Sight Vibrating Knife
- Raider's Cove Vibrating Knife
- Heavenly Ridge Sight Vibrating Knife
- Alliance Grinder's Vibrating Knife
- Raider's Cove Rectifier's Vibrating Knife
- Heavenly Ridge Grinder's Vibrating Knife
- Alliance Sight Cartridge Rifle
- Raider's Cove Sight Rifle
- Celestial Ridge Sighting Cartridge Rifle
- Alliance Rectifier Cartridge Rifle
- Raider's Cove Rectifier Cartridge Rifle
- Sky Ridge Rectifier's Cartridge Rifle
- The level of the following partner weapons has been updated:
- Devout Allies' Assault Whiskblade
- Dedicated Allies Defense Vibroblade
- Fixed the icons for the "layout: Rishi baskets", "layout: Rishi crates" and "layout: Yavin crates" decorations.
- The Republic Squadron Commander Pilot Combination Box is now Binding on Taking and no longer Binding to Legacy.
Missions + NPCs
- Moral Decisions are worth points for the Light Side / Dark Side in Rishi Missions "Double Enemy", "Enduring Hate" and "The Path to Betrayal".
- Appropriate Light Side and Dark Side Points are awarded during individual Class Missions on Rishi requiring Moral Decisions.
- The credit and experience point rewards for Rishi and Yavin 4 daily missions have been normalized.
- The "Hunt for the Great Devourer" mission now only provides equipment usable by Broonmark or Bowdaar.
- Partner Outfit Boxes are now awarded upon completion of the "[WEEKLY] Spirit of Cooperation" mission.
- Successful Salvage, Bioanalysis, and Archeology missions now grant more materials.
- Players who start the mission "The Torch Flame" no longer see duplicates of Lana and Theron.
- Jedi Consular partners no longer walk across the table during conversation during the mission "Legacy of Barsen'thor".
- The Assault on Tython hard mode and Incursion on Korriban hard mode access missions are now shareable.
War zones
- Removed a location in the Corellia Arena war zone that could be accessed unintentionally.
- Ship parts no longer affect the boost system.