Postponed for two days, the maintenance for the implementation of 5.9 will take place this Thursday May 3 from 14 p.m. to 00 p.m. Here are the patch notes for the content that will be deployed at this time.
- Hotspot: The Nathema Conspiracy - As the story of the traitors comes to a dramatic end on the planet of Nathema, you will face a deadly enemy determined to annihilate your Alliance.
- May 4th Promotion: To celebrate May 4th properly, don't forget to log in between May 1st and May 7th to get the M4-Y7 Astromech Mini-Pet. You can also participate in a Double Rewards event during this time!
- Former Partner: Felix Iresso - The Jedi Consular will learn of the tragic circumstances that prevented their longtime ally from fighting alongside them as he always had.
- Former partners: Akaavi Spar and Mako - Mako, the ally of the bounty hunters, and Akaavi, the dreaded smuggler, unite to form a dangerous duo of full-fledged bounty hunters!
- The following changes have been made to Conquest Objectives:
- The point gain for repeatable goals and repeatable daily goals has been increased.
- Low frequency: increase from 85 to 120 points (approximately 41,2%)
- Average frequency: increase of 130 to 180 points (approximately 38,5%)
- High frequency: 205-290 point increase (approximately 41,4%)
- Low frequency of daily goals: increase from 330 to 400 points (approximately 21,2%)
- Average frequency of daily goals: increase of 500 to 600 points (approximately 20%)
- High frequency of daily goals: increase from 750 to 825 points (around 10%)
- The point gain for GSF Participation Objectives, Warzones, and Flashpoints has been increased once again.
- Complete a Warzone Objective: increased from 85 to 180 (approx. 112%)
- Complete a GSF game objective: increase from 85 to 180 points (approximately 112%)
- Completing a Flashpoint or Uprising: 130-290 point increase (approx 123%)
- The “Participate in Hotspot” objective will be renamed “Participate in Hotspot or Uprising”.
- The daily objective "Kill X enemies" will now be divided into three objectives: "Kill 50 enemies", "Kill 100 enemies" and "Kill 150 enemies". Additionally, the progress of these objectives will not reset every day (if you killed 40 enemies, the total will not drop back to 0).
- The daily objective "Kill 50 enemies" will award 400 points.
- The daily objective "Kill 100 enemies" will award 600 points.
- The daily objective "Kill 150 enemies" will award 825 points.
- New repeatable daily objectives have been added when completing 3 and 5 Activity Finder activities (Flashpoint, Operation, Warzone, GSF, Uprising). These objectives will bring respectively 400 and 825 points.
- Added a new repeatable daily objective, "Kill the final boss of an operation," which will grant 825 points.
- Added a new repeatable daily objective, "Craft 50 items", which will grant 120 points. Note: This new objective allows you to craft ANY item (not just material or invasion kits).
- Some Flashpoint specific objectives (such as "Complete The Battle for Ilum") have become repeatable daily objectives. They now earn 600 points (down from 130, an increase of almost 361%).
- The point gain for repeatable goals and repeatable daily goals has been increased.
- Fixed an issue that caused players to log in for their Conquest Points to display correctly in the Guild Member window.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players belonging to the Satele Shan server to be referenced as belonging to The Hot Prospect server.
- New Legendary Item Level 240 Upgrade Blueprints have been added to the game. These Blueprints can be obtained by defeating the bosses in the Nathema Flashpoint on Master Mode.
- Small Crafting Boxes have been added to the Conquest rewards for Mid-Yield Planets. These boxes contain 2 materials randomly selected from the Encrypted Mainstays and Charged Material Transubstantiators, which are used to craft new Tier 10 upgrades.
- Large Crafting Boxes have been added to the rewards for conquering higher yield planets. These boxes contain 5 materials randomly selected from the central encrypted memories and the loaded material transubstantiators, which are used to craft the new rank 10 upgrades.
- Fortress Defender weapons can now be unlocked in Collections, as originally intended.
Machine-Born Gods - Izax
- Deflection droids' blaster ability now has the same field of view as deflected rays. Players will now be in the sights of both abilities at the same time.
- An icon now displays above Deflection Droids when they are not in sight of their current target.
- Deflection droids will no longer be marked by the "Displacement" effect in story mode.
- The number of Deflection Droids in story mode has been reduced from 7 to 6.
- The Magnetic Tether icon has been updated in the puzzle area and during the encounter with IZAX for consistency.
- An icon is now displayed above the player who has the magnetic clip.
- Picking up the Magnetic Tether now grants the "Transfer Magnetic Tether" ability, which transfers the Magnetic Tether to another player.
- Encounter with IZAX now properly resets when the only players still in combat are not on the roof.
- The anchor field of the Anchor Drone now has a maximum range of 120m (against an infinite range previously, sorry!).
- Missile barrage approach delay in phase 5 has been increased to 5,4 seconds (from 5 seconds previously) to align with other phases.
- Fixed several visual issues related to IZAX missile attacks.
- The "Dragon Wings" mount now has a small chance to appear as a Prestige item during the encounter with IZAX. This mount will not be linked to the Legacy.
- Addressed an issue in Izax's targeting logic where it would sometimes target dead players instead of doing other much more useful things.
- The mission "Presentation of Conquests" can be completed again.
- Empire players can once again get the Black Hole Intro Mission on the Imperial Fleet.
- Players can once again obtain the Sector X intro mission on their respective fleets.
Class changes
- Knight - Warrior
- Consular - Inquisitor
- Smuggler - Imperial Agent
- Soldier - Bounty Hunter
Jedi knight
- Zealous Judgment usage has been changed: Activating Pacify temporarily increases damage reduction from Force or Tech attacks by 75%, rather than granting a 75% chance to resist all Force and Tech attacks.
- The damage dealt by Burning Slits has been reduced by 18,5%.
- Focused Defense healing is now better balanced, and higher at level 70.
- Soresu Form's animosity generation bonus has been increased from 100% to 150%.
- The power vector damage bonus to Protective Slit, Barrage of Blades, and Hilt Slash has been reduced from 30% to 15%.
- Protective Focus now grants 10% damage reduction (up from 5%).
Sith warrior
- The Merciless Aggressor usage has been changed: Activating Dodgers temporarily increases the damage reduction of Force or Tech attacks by 75%, rather than granting a 75% chance to resist all Force and Tech attacks. .
- Blood Slits damage decreased by 18,5%.
- Enraged Defense healing is now better balanced, and higher at level 70.
- Soresu Form's animosity generation bonus has been increased from 100% to 150%.
- Pillar of Force damage bonus on Crushing Blow, Rampage, and Reversing has been reduced from 30% to 15%.
- Enveloping Rage now grants 10% damage reduction (down from 5%).
Jedi Consular
- Roaring Force now grants 10% damage reduction while Force imbalance is active (up from 5%).
- Telekinetic Refuge now grants 5% damage reduction per stack (up from 3%).
Kinetic combat
- Combat skill animosity generation bonus increased from 100% to 150%.
- Internal combat skill damage has been reduced by 50%.
- The damage bonus granted to projection by bombardment has been reduced from 25% to 20%.
- The damage bonus given to Cascading Debris by each stack of Relentless Shadows has been reduced from 25% to 15%.
- Pulsating Force Slow Time and Force Breach damage bonus has been reduced from 30% to 20%.
Sith Inquisitor
- Convection now grants 10% damage reduction while Deionization is active (up from 5%).
- Lightning Fortification now grants 5% damage reduction per stack (up from 3%).
- Dark Charge's animosity generation bonus has been increased from 100% to 150%.
- Dark Charge internal damage has been reduced by 50%.
- The damage bonus granted to Shock from Juice Shot has been reduced from 25% to 20%.
- The damage bonus granted to Predatory Volts by each stack of Relentless Darkness has been reduced from 25% to 15%.
- The damage bonus granted to Shock and Wither from Growing Darkness has been reduced from 30% to 20%.
Unfair Fight
- In addition to its other effects, Concussion now increases your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds when your Defensive Screen disappears or ends.
- In addition to its other effects, Concussion now increases your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds when your Defensive Screen disappears or ends.
Imperial Agent
Tireur d'izard
- In addition to its other effects, Toxic Regulators now increase your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds when your Shield Probe disappears or expires.
Secret agent
- In addition to its other effects, Toxic Regulators now increase your damage reduction by 15% for 6 seconds when your Shield Probe disappears or expires.
Bounty hunter
Innovative artillery
- Demagnetization now grants Interrupt Immunity (Unbreakable) for its duration.
Shield Technician
- Ionic Gas Cylinder's animosity generation bonus has been increased from 100% to 150%.
- Fixed a bug with power armor, which prevented the correct calculation of damage.
- Power Armor now grants 5% damage bonus to Ion Gas Cylinder (up from 10%).
- Heat Blast base damage decreased by 18,75%.
- The damage bonus given to Firestorm and Searing Wave by the Flame Engine has been reduced from 100% to 40%.
- Damage from Ion Overload has been reduced by 50%.
- Damage from the Ion Gas Cylinder has been reduced by 20%.
- Combining Flames grants 30% periodic damage reduction (was previously 15%).
- Demagnetization now grants Interrupt Immunity (Unbreakable) for its duration.
Shield Mastery
- Ion Cell Animosity generation bonus has been increased from 100% to 150%.
- Fixed a bug with power armor, which prevented the correct calculation of damage.
- Power Armor now grants 5% bonus damage to Ion Cell (up from 10%).
- Energy Blast base damage decreased by 18,75%.
- The damage bonus given to Ion Storm and Ion Flurry from Pulse Motor has been reduced from 100% to 40%.
- Damage from Ion Overload has been reduced by 50%.
- Ion cell damage has been reduced by 20%.
- Plasmatechnie
- Attack Window grants 30% periodic damage reduction (was previously 15%).
- Attack Window grants 30% periodic damage reduction (was previously 15%).