The vehicles in Star Wars The Old Republican are more and more numerous. The most difficult to obtain remain those which are recovered in operations in nightmare mode! Some are also only accessible to a minority of players and often remain unknown to the majority. Here is a little recap of these coveted vehicles.
Level 50 vehicles
- Vengeur Desler
- Turbo Desler
- Heavy Tank Avalanche
- Firaxa Praxon
This very classic vehicle can be collected from Soa in the Chamber of Eternity

Moreover, on closer inspection, it looks a bit like the XJ-6 airspeeder in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, without the engine of course.

Head to the last boss of Karraga Palace to collect this vehicle. It is simply the exact replica of the Avenger Desler but in black.
It is the first vehicle of this type implanted in the game that looks like a boss, Calcinis and Storm-Heller from Operation Explosive Conflict. It randomly falls on any boss and can therefore fall several times in the same operation if you are really lucky!
Certainly one of the rarest before level 55. Indeed, the only boss that you will give is Kephess in Denova!
Level 55 vehicles
- Hyperpod Propeller
- Titan 6 Containment Mode
The Nightmare from elsewhere carefully keeps its magnificent vehicle for the most experienced players and the least we can say is that it must be earned!

This one is surely the most accessible since it falls on the second boss of the operation. But it is still complicated for many.

This list will be completed very soon. Besides, what type of vehicles (or mounts!) Would you like to have for these next two operations?