On this beautiful morning, after the shattering announcement last night, I offer you a short story from Thibaut LILY, taking place in the world of SWTOR:
As the author of these few humble pages, let me briefly introduce myself. At 24, after a wide variety of university studies, I was barely starting to take an interest in writing, in beautiful words. It is natural that, currently living on translations from English into spanish and proofreading, at one point I felt the urge to produce writing myself. Naturally curious, I ended up understanding that, above all, what guides me in my journey is the desire to constantly marvel at things that I ignore and which open up intellectual horizons for me, create spaces wonderful in my thoughts, stimulate my imagination. And it is in this sense that I decided, in an absolutely impromptu way, to join the universe of the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic at its release, hoping to find imaginary immersive spaces.
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As such, Seleniis - humble Soldier of the Republic - was born from an unforeseen event, from a combination of circumstances. A little spark in the dark. Nothing would naturally have pushed me to create a Soldier character in the Star Wars universe, if not the combination of very specific factors, located between the "class" needs of my guild, The Three Moons (Darth Nihilus) , the discovery of a new gameplay, the will to lead a secret project, in the shadows, which could end in a big surprise, a dramatic turn of events. Not very attracted by the RP 'live', writing in monologue is reassuring to me. This is why I wanted an almost weekly publication, made of my ingredients in the form of a simple newspaper, to appear from a 'fake' account on the Three Moons forum, and to be borrowed. mystery, doubt, uncertainties as to its author, who would reveal nothing of his intentions but who, surreptitiously, would seek to stimulate the creativity and creative envy of readers.
Thus was born, as if emerging from the most total nothingness, one fine April morning, Seleniis, a distracted and sensitive dreamer, fighter for life with a heavy past. The idea of a hidden character who would progress in the environment while trying to cross a maximum of 're-rolls' of my guild, and would write small paragraphs presenting events, really produced exchanges, to me a lot. seduced - and it was more complicated than expected in its realization. My intention was to make sure that my little chapters, posted without any explanation, call out to the members of the Three Moons, that they recognize themselves there, that it makes them happy. The most interesting in the story was to "weave my web" in order to be completely unsuspected in the eyes of my friends. Through very fine detail, I managed to build an image of "RolePlay, not for me!" ", And I think it was a complete and utter success: I wanted the twist at the revelation of Seleniis' true identity to be as surprising as possible - and believe me, I amply surprised more than that. a !
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Regarding the form of the chapters, I rather conceived them as a series of punctual thoughts, without them being systematically linked by an internal logic between them. Some could very well be read before others, as one could play pieces from a cycle of Chopin's Preludes out of order. To continue this musical metaphor, I would even say that the chapters of Seleniis are more like a book of Preludes by Claude Debussy: each is a sort of frozen almost impressionist improvisation, of the fleeting thought of a moment, they are the description of a feeling, the development of a small reflection, the crystallization of a landscape ... all taken in a global mystery as to its context of publication. It is this very "impressionistic" character that made me propose the subtitle of "Pensées de moment".
I would like to thank all those who directly or indirectly encouraged me to bring this project to fruition - when you know the inertia that knows how to characterize me, it is a nice performance that they achieved. A big thank you to my past and future readers, whose reactions, sometimes sneaky and secretive, have helped me move forward. And much more, huge thanks to my boyfriend, for his unwavering support, and for the nice illustration that accompanies this post. Without him, I wouldn't have gone very far, and he knows it!
Thibaut LILY
aka Deuterius (Sentinelle) / Antimony (Ombra) / Selenio (commands)
The Three Moons - Server Darth Nihilus