L'Void star is a ghost battle cruiser that went missing during the Great War. It is believed that the ship carried the sides of a powerful weapon. Since it was discovered wandering the far reaches of space, the Empire and the Republic have been racing to get their hands on the ship and gain access to the secrets held in its memory bank.
The Void Star is a assault type combat zone in two rounds. Each side will alternately play the role of defender and attacker, the goal being to protect or wait for the central nucleus. The battles will take place through sections of the ship, protected by armored doors. These doors will have to be destroyed by the attackers in order to progress and kept intact by the defenders.
There are 6 checkpoints in the war zone: the three sets of armored doors, the bridge in the reactor room, the force fields in the cargo bay, and the data core. The team that travels the furthest wins the war zone. If both teams go to the same checkpoint, the team that got there faster wins. When the Warzone realizes that a team has already won the match (since they are the second team to attack and have overtaken their opponents' progress, or have made it to the same point faster), this one ends immediately rather than continuing towards a predetermined outcome
Combat zone
Here is the map of the ship, produced by the Ranhyd Wiki, which shows the details of the different rooms to cross to reach the core:
1: First gate2: Second door
3: Third gate
THE : Zone of ground defenders
B: Ground attackers zone
At each room, the attackers will try to plant a bomb (drop in 8 seconds). If not disarmed within 14 seconds, the door will explode.
In the 2nd room, there are 2 bridges to activate (8 seconds) although only one can be put. In the 3rd, it is 3 force fields protecting the doors that must be deactivated (8 seconds) even if once again, deactivation of only one allows to pass. Finally, the final kernel takes only one small second to be activated.
In 1.3, they added a partially destroyed grid in the middle of the room, obstructing movement but not vision. The expected result is that defenders have to defend one side or the other, and can no longer fly to the rescue from the other gate so easily.
Of course, your goal is not the same depending on the role you play during the round that is being played.
- Défenseur
- Attacker
The easiest way is to split between the two gates and shuttle back and forth to counter the bigger attacks. Healers should be careful with their placement so they don't get hit too hard and keep the party alive.
Be careful to always keep 1 person on the lookout and avoid straying stupidly from the door by following an enemy a little low alive.
Most of the time, the troops disperse, spreading over each of the doors. However, from experience, this is not the winning strategy: what works best is to concentrate all your forces on a single point and to push in enemy resistance, quickly and flawlessly.
A variation can be to send a stealth character to the second door who can take advantage of the diversion to destroy the door, while all the enemies repel your attack.
A few tips
The ship's bridges are dangerous places it is not good to fall. Use the scenery to your advantage to kill your opponents or hide.
Classes that are able to do area damage have an interest in doing it at the gates: this will prevent enemies from planting a bomb and a stealth character from passing.