After the article devoted to the imperial fleet, I had to take a tour of the Republican fleet in order to scrutinize every nook and cranny and find the most enigmatic mysteries ... Unfortunately this was not the case because Finally, and I hope you will contradict me by bringing me pictures showing me easter eggs that I might have missed, there are few mysterious facts about this Fleet.
There are of course aspects already listed on the Imperial Fleet and which you will find in the second part of this article mainly but nothing of the level of the reference to Vader and bounty hunters on the Imperial Fleet.
On the other hand, Republican friends, I still have the impression that when the Empire is working, your NPCs celebrate and take advantage of the paradisiacal settings of your "capital". You should not be surprised after you are given a wank at the next battle ;-). Come on, let's go for the first part of the visit devoted more particularly to the nightlife.
We dance on the Republican fleet
After stealing a Corelian Corvette from Nar Shaddaa spaceport and dressing in a more discreet outfit, I infiltrated the Republican Fleet. Getting in was a breeze and my Sith nature was never discovered. It must be said that the NPCs occupying the fleet do everything except work. See instead:
- Indeed we dance there really a lot:
- Alone sometimes, the ridiculous does not really kill Republicans unfortunately ...
- In a group too
And besides we can find here an "easter egg" that a reader of Swtor-guide told us and which is present in many cantinas of the galaxy (seen in Hutta, Nar Shaddaa and here on the Republican Fleet for example ).
Indeed, the young man's way of dancing would make reference to an American TV show entitled "Night at the Roxbury" where Will Ferrell and Christ Kattan dance in the same very distinguished way to music from Haddaway: What is love, to see here in a very funny version with Jim Carrey.
We drink a lot too ...
- Often alone
- And sometimes two with bottles of an impressive size
- Which has consequences on the state of some NPCs who apparently do not take the drink
- Sometimes some even start talking to themselves
You will also recognize the Mr. Barbichette of the Imperial Fleet who must have a cousin or a brother who works for the other camp, but apparently this one does not take too much of his condition ...
And all this in a romantic atmosphere
All this activity takes place in a "romantic" and honeyed (yuck) framework with water jets, magnificent pools where I can not even imagine what can happen after dark. Fortunately for me very early in the morning I did not find anyone there.
To be continued very soon in the second part of the visit, because indeed by respecting equity between the 2 factions, I had to devote 2 articles to the Republican Fleet. You will therefore learn more about the NPCs who really work, the republican museum and the "clones" ... in this second part.
Ps: of course all my "pro-imperial" remarks are to be taken in the second degree, it is only chance which led me to play on the dark side of the force and a little "roll-play" that makes good sometimes ...