Since the game's launch, the PvP equipping process has changed several times and this is still the case with 1.6. So I decided to make a new point on this side in order to help all the players to find their way around, the old articles are now obsolete.
Recruit 2
When you pass 50, the PvP Mission Terminal gives a mission, "new technology". As a reward we get a container, a rookie equipment set 2, with the rookie set 2 set (blue index 132): relics x2, implants x2, ears, gloves, legs, boots, head, vest, armband , belt, armband, secondary weapon, primary weapon.
What then to leave with peace of mind and save credits. This is because if for some reason you want to purchase parts, they are all for sale from the Rookie PvP gear vendor.
- Veiled Crusader Champion Relic: Stamina +34, Expertise + 48, Shield Index +97
- Champion's Relic of Compromising Serenity: Stamina +34, Expertise + 48, Defense Index +97
- Champion's Relic of Forbidden Secrets: Stamina +34, Expertise + 48, Crit Rating +57, Surge Rating +57
- Relic of Champion of Immeasurable Ages: Stamina +34, Expertise + 48, Potency +97
- Primal Fate Sealer's Champion Relic: Stamina +34, Expertise + 48, Alacrity Index +97

War heroes
Thanks to recruit equipment, you can go to a war zone and collect war zone distinctions used to buy War Heroes equipment:
- War Hero Veiled Crusader Relic: Stamina +41, Expertise + 57, Shield Index +113
- Immeasurable Ages War Hero Relic: Stamina +41, Expertise + 57, Potency +113
- Primal Fate Sealer's War Hero Relic: Stamina +41, Expertise + 57, Alacrity Index +113
- Relic of Compromising Serenity War Hero: Stamina +41, Expertise + 57, Defense Index +113

There are empty PvP gear shells that require an index (obtained in Ranked War Zones):
Elite War Heroes
These coins are the highest level currently available:
- Elite War Hero Veiled Crusader Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Shield Index +120
- Shield Amplifying Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Protecting against an impending attack grants an absorption rating of 430 for 6 seconds. This effect is available every 20 seconds. This limit is common to similar defensive effects.
- Dark Shard Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal an additional 199 internal damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Cerulean Nova Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal 265 additional energy damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Ephemeral Rectification Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Healing an ally has a 50% chance to restore an additional 477 health for 3 seconds. This effect is available every 20 seconds. This limit is common to similar healing effects.
- Kinetic Storm Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal 265 additional kinetic damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Elemental Storm Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Equip: Damage attacks have a 30% chance to deal an additional 199 elemental damage to the target. This effect is available every 4.5 seconds. This limit is common to similar damage effects.
- Elite War Hero Relic of the Immeasurable Ages: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Potency +120
- Primal Fate Sealer's Elite War Hero Relic: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Alacrity Index +120
- Relic of Compromising Serenity Elite War Hero: Stamina +44, Expertise + 60, Defense Index +120

Here are weapon stats, the highest level currently available in PvP:
- Sith Inquisitor
- Sith warrior
- Bounty hunters
- Imperial Agent
- Survivor Shield (yellow): Stamina +140, Willpower +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +53, Absorption Index +47, Might Strength +449
- Survivor Saber Staff (red): Stamina +117, Willpower +89, Expertise +151, Shield Index +54, Might Strength +673, Defense Index +63
- Ranger Generator (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Critical Rating +63, Power Strength +673, Surge Rating +54
- Ranger Saber Staff (red): Stamina +107, Willpower +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Power Strength +673, Surge Index +54
- Force Mystic Catalyst (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Crit Rating +63, Power Strength +673, Surge Rating +54
- Force Mystic's Lightsaber (red): Stamina +107, Willpower +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Power Force +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Master of Force Catalyst (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Potency +63, Power Strength +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Strength Master's Lightsaber (red): Stamina +117, Willpower +89, Expertise +151, Potency +63, Power Force +673, Surge Index +54
- Warlord's Shield (yellow): Stamina +140, Stamina +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Rating +53, Absorption Rating +47, Might Strength +449
- Warlord's Lightsaber (red): Stamina +142, Stamina +79, Expertise +151, Shield Rating +53, Might Strength +673, Defense Rating +47
- Weaponsmaster's Lightsaber (red): Stamina +107, Stamina +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +55
- Weaponsmaster's Secondary Saber (red): Stamina +107, Stamina +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +55
- Vindicator Generator (yellow): Stamina +105, Stamina +99, Expertise +149, Potency +55, Power Strength +673, Surge Index +54
- Vindicator's Lightsaber (red): Stamina +117, Stamina +89, Expertise +151, Accuracy Index +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +63
- Combat Medic's Secondary Blaster: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Tech Power +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Combat Medic's Blaster Pistol: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Crit Rating +63, Tech Power +673, Alacrity Rating +54
- Secondary Eliminator Blaster: Stamina +107, Aim +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Tech Power +673, Surge Index +54
- Eliminator Generator: Stamina +105, Aim +99, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +54, Potency +55, Tech Power +673
- Eliminator Blaster Pistol: Stamina +107, Aim +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Tech Power +673, Surge Index +54
- Supercommand's Shield: Stamina +140, Aim +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +53, Absorption Index +47, Tech Power +449
- Supercommando Blaster Pistol: Stamina +142, Aim +79, Expertise +151, Shield Rating +53, Tech Power +673, Defense Rating +47
- Combat Tech Generator: Stamina +115, Aim +86, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +54, Power +63, Tech Power +673
- Combat Tech Blaster Pistol: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Accuracy Index +54, Potency +63, Tech Power +673
- Executor's Vibrating Knife: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Index +54, Might +55, Tech Might +673
- Executor's Blaster Rifle: Stamina +117, Hint +89, Expertise +151, Might +55, Tech Might +673, Surge Index +54
- Field Medic's Vibrating Knife: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Might +55, Tech Might +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Field Medic's Blaster Rifle: Stamina +117, Hint +89, Expertise +151, Crit Rating +63, Tech Might +673, Surge Rating +54
- Field Technician's Vibrating Knife: Stamina +117, Hint +89, Expertise +151, Critical Rating +63, Tech Power +673, Surge Rating +54
- Field Tech's Sniper Rifle: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Crit Rating +55, Tech Might +673
- Jedi Consular
- Jedi knight
- Soldier
- Smuggler
- Survivor Shield (yellow): Stamina +140, Willpower +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +53, Absorption Index +47, Might Strength +449
- Survivor Saber Staff (green): Stamina +117, Willpower +89, Expertise +151, Shield Index +54, Might Strength +673, Defense Index +63
- Ranger Generator (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Critical Rating +63, Power Strength +673, Surge Rating +54
- Ranger Saber Staff (green): Stamina +107, Willpower +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Power Strength +673, Surge Index +54
- Force Mystic Catalyst (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Crit Rating +63, Power Strength +673, Surge Rating +54
- Force Mystic's Lightsaber (green): Stamina +107, Willpower +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Power Force +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Master of Force Catalyst (yellow): Stamina +115, Willpower +86, Expertise +149, Potency +63, Power Strength +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Strength Master's Lightsaber (green): Stamina +117, Willpower +89, Expertise +151, Potency +63, Power Force +673, Surge Index +54
- Warlord's Shield (yellow): Stamina +140, Stamina +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Rating +53, Absorption Rating +47, Might Strength +449
- Warlord's Lightsaber (green): Stamina +142, Stamina +79, Expertise +151, Shield Rating +53, Might Strength +673, Defense Rating +47
- Weaponsmaster's Lightsaber (green): Stamina +107, Stamina +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +55
- Weaponsmaster's Secondary Saber (green): Stamina +107, Stamina +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +55
- Vindicator Generator (yellow): Stamina +105, Stamina +99, Expertise +149, Potency +55, Power Strength +673, Surge Index +54
- Vindicator's Lightsaber (Green): Stamina +117, Stamina +89, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Might Strength +673, Critical Rating +63
- Combat Medic Generator: Stamina +105, Aim +99, Expertise +149, Potency +55, Tech Power +673, Surge Index +54
- Combat Medic's Assault Cannon: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Potency +63, Tech Power +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Eliminator Generator: Stamina +105, Aim +99, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +54, Potency +55, Tech Power +673
- Eliminator Assault Cannon: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Tech Might +673, Crit Rating +63
- Supercommand's Shield: Stamina +140, Aim +76, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +53, Absorption Index +47, Tech Power +449
- Supercommando Blaster Rifle: Stamina +117, Aim +89, Expertise +151, Shield Index +54, Tech Power +673, Defense Index +63
- Combat Tech Generator: Stamina +115, Aim +86, Expertise +149, Accuracy Index +54, Power +63, Tech Power +673
- Combat Tech Blaster Rifle: Stamina +107, Aim +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Rating +54, Crit Rating +55, Tech Power +673
- Executor Cartridge Rifle: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Accuracy Index +54, Tech Might +673, Might +55
- Executor's Blaster Pistol: Stamina +117, Hint +89, Expertise +151, Crit Rating +63, Tech Might +673, Surge Index +54
- Field Medic's Cartridge Rifle: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Might +55, Tech Might +673, Alacrity Index +54
- Field Medic's Blaster Pistol: Stamina +117, Hint +89, Expertise +151, Critical Rating +63, Tech Might +673, Alacrity Rating +54
- Field Tech Secondary Blaster: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Might +55, Tech Might +673, Surge Index +54
- Field Tech's Blaster Pistol: Stamina +107, Hint +102, Expertise +151, Potency +55, Tech Power +673, Surge Index +54
Here, I hope not to have said nonsense, you know my great aptitudes in player against player from the top of my rank of ultra high bravery (18 ...). Please feel free to correct me if I got it wrong.